xdawnbydeath is not... never mind.
Anyway he has work and when he finishes it's probably my bedtime; the only time we could do it was on the weekends and I had to do something and couldn't be online. I messaged him, and he hasn't replied yet with useful info that could work. he could say the same thing about me but, it's just meh.
Try to make it happen by lying, cheating, stealing or by murder. If you are unable to, there is always a possibility of a 2nd time extension. I'd really like to get the real winners instead of using dice.
I'm sure that first sentence wasn't serious. If it was, I will hunt him down!
The possible time slots for him is midnight to 4 AM for me...
i dont know about either of your time zones, but i am pretty active on chat and i havent seen any of you be active, while jaymanfu, who is waiting for you 2, has been in a couple times.
For me, that's cause I have only been online in the forums; and I don't go on chat unless I have a specific reason. If he's not online in the forums, he's not online in chat/game. I also do check there, but I don't go there, and stay for like, what, 3 hours?
Also, the "blessing" in my case now turns to a curse. See, he's two hours or so behind me. Therefore his work hours are my school/homework hours and his free hours are my sleep hours.