I think life and time BOTH deserve high votes, (if only times banner didnt take half a century to load...)
Personally, I don't find Imageshack slow when it comes to watching their pictures, though it is indeed quite slow when I browse my account there. I don't know if it's a matter of my location, or my generally slow Internet connection so maybe in my case the bottleneck is my radio connection with ISP

Anyway, after reading a number of posts mentioning this problem with Time Banner, I was about to move it to another server, but then... I changed my mind, because I'd have to waste Scaredgirl's time to refresh the Grooveshark widget because of such a simple thing.
On the other hand, you can enjoy the 4D Banner, as it is not only 3D, but also has a time dimension (time to load).
Always look on the bright side of screen... <whistles>...