Round 2 - DuelsFind your opponent from the list below and PM him/her to find a suitable time to fight.
You have
3 days to make this fight happen. If you are unable to fight, please ask for one of your team members (or master) to fight for you, using your deck. Remember, if you use replacements, you cannot salvage any cards if you win.
If the fight doesn't happen, both players lose and have to discard 30 cards, unless one player was clearly more active in trying to find a suitable time.
We are using a "best-of-three" method, which means each battle consists of up 3 matches with the winner being the first player to get 2 wins. Remember, you have to play all duels with the same deck and same mark.
After the battleWinner starts a new topic here,167.0.html .
For example if "KingKiller" fights "LordOwner", and wins 2-1, he will start a topic titled:
KingKiller 2 - LordOwner 1In that topic KingKiller will post his deck, and give a short explanation on how the battle went. LordOwner will then reply to that
same topic posting his deck. He can also talk about the battle if he so chooses but that's optional. Everyone can join the discussion in any of these results topics.
If you have any questions, please reply to this post.
Good luck everyone.
Time's up!
dragonhuman 2.
Demagog 3.
melzardust 4.
Jon94 5.
Hobnob5000 6.
ItzSean 7.
PhantomFox 8.
Kael Hate 9.
Troh 10.
Anothebrother 11.
PuppyChow 12.
Rastafla 13.
Candle 14.
Malduk 15.
syco666 16.
Zeru 17.
valuka 18.
Corrum 19.
Kurohami 20.
implosion 21.
plastiqe 22.
wassd13 23.
Rozpierdalator 24.
unionruler 25.
Gl1tch 26.
Xinef 27.
Dragoon 28.
unit748596 29.
Amesjay 30.
Helios 31.
cokeandaspirin 32.
assasim 33.
jmdt 34.
icybraker 35.
Terroking 36.
Jumbalumba 37.
Hyroen 38.
Azumi 39.
MrBlonde 40.
jmizzle7 41.
melendr 42.
Smokefree 43.
Svenningen 44.
finkel 45.
miniwally 46.
Flare 47.
icecoldbro 48.
killfer8 49.
Mastermind79 50.
Kuroaitou 51.
Didonko 52.
coinich 53.
kevkev60614 54.
bojengles77 55.
Pervepic 56.
$$$man 57.
xdude 58.
xKelevra 59.
gnikdoolb 60.
Baily18 61.
Antagon 62.
Harakirinosaru 63.
Bloodshadow 64.
The Dictator 65.
Essence 66.
UsernameLife 67.
TheoCT 68.
Flying Farenheit 69.
skyguy 70.
ufcfan 71.
Belthazar666 72.
LevgreGood luck everyone.