Just a question: For the salvaging topic, does it work like this?Salvaging1 x Nova, Discord, Antimatter2 x Purple Dragon3 x Abominationetc
clarification:when does salvaging and discarding must be finalized?
During the deckbuilding phase, a lot of things are happening at once. It is basically divided into two parts, both of which happen simultaneously:1. Salvaging, Discarding, and Penalties (previous round)
SalvagerStart a topic titled "Round 1 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting". Use that exact name (round number of course changes). Use the following template:This topic will contain all the Salvaging, Discarding and Penalties earned in the round of the title and the Converting done for the next round of decks.So the round 1 topic will be created during the round 2 deckbuilding after the round 1 duels have been resolved.