Hey, I've seen a couple of complaints with people not knowing what to do to prevent desynchs/disconnects. Here are some tips, you can also add more if you know any!
First, what are those two?
desynch = desynchronization error. This can generally be identified by a notification from the game itself near the turn timer. Usually this fixes itself and you can continue, but sometimes very weird things happen.
disconnect. This happens when the timer goes down to 0. You get a few extra seconds while the game tells you the CPU will take control soon. From that point on, you no longer face your opponent, you face the AI.
1) Have EtG in its own browser window. Try not to have too many tabs open in other windows either.
2) Don't perform file downloads/uploads during the game.
3) Don't watch streams or anything that requires constant high quality data download. (listening to youtube songs with 360p video quality should be fine)
4) Don't take too much time during your turns. Going down to the last ~5 seconds can also cause desynchs.
What do you do when you've taken all the precautions, but you still desynched/disconnected? Well, first you complain that EtG servers suck.
- If this desynch/disconnect happens in the first few turns, it's generally a replay.
- If it happens later in the game, you should take a screenshot of the turn you disconnected.
If a desynch happens and weird things happen that don't fix themselves right away (like all creatures suddenly dying, opponent getting a protected dim shield etc.), the game should be replayed, unless it was clear that one of you was going to win. Try to be fair in these cases!
If a disconnect happens, you and your opponent both play the AI. If you win on both sides, the game is yours. If your opponent wins on both sides, it's theirs. But what happens if the games have different results? Well, that's where you both have to think what went wrong, i.e. would you have won if you played yourself? Try to account for the silly things the AI does that a normal human with even half a brain wouldn't do. If those influenced the match, try to be nice and give your opponent the win. Otherwise, you should agree to a replay and do your best to win.
I hope this helps, good luck and have fun in your PvP matches! Remember, fair play makes things more fun and prevents salt! (or reduces the dose of salt, at least)