The problem with this is that you don't see these people who are vocal here, stepping up when I asked for ideas for Event Cards. You don't see them stepping up when we looked for new Warmasters. Why? Because they don't want to spend their time doing volunteer work, they only want the fruit of other peoples labor because they feel they are somehow entitled to it.
If I lose the next Trials, I'll apply for a Warmaster if that helps anyhow. For me it's not a simple matter of 'not wanting to spend time doing volunteer work' but rather 'I'm responsible for a number of things and I'm not going to devote my time to one more thing, or I'd have to spend less time on other things I'm responsible for'. I guess the amount of work involved in leading a team, and amount of work involved in organizing events exclude each other, so I couldn't be good at both at the same time. And if I'm not good at something, I prefer not to do it at all and let it be done by experienced and skilled people who have time to do so. Only when there are no such people and something needs to be done, I'll do it, but don't expect me to guess everything that needs to be done, and know who's going to do it and who's not.
I guess it's similar with many other people, though experience tells me every case is different, and generalization is the source of all evil ;]
As I said before, some people perceive the war as one event that should be as fair and balanced as possible, so that skills and strategy play a greater role than luck.
It's got nothing to do with other events. If you declare a Fractal Fate Egg tournament, or a Mutation Tournament, no one (or almost no one

) is going to expect skill and strategy to play greater role than luck, so adding surprise events in such a tournament wouldn't cause so much drama. Adding more luck factor to a luck based event only meets peoples expectations.
On the other hand it seems from the reactions that a lot of people expect luck to play less role in war and the rules seemed to strengthen that view (a lot of rounds, a lot of players in each team, best of 3 instead of best of 1, the amount of time and strategy involved, etc.) so I guess a lot of people who joined the war expected it to be an event with rules decreasing the importance of luck. It's obvious then, that unraveling a secret 'rule' that increases luck factor will cause distress and disagreement between those people.
So, if you wanted to avoid such a turn of events, you'd have to warn all people joining the war that luck is going to play a bigger factor than it seems from the rules (ie. you could warn people that event cards will be unbalanced before they joined the war), instead of strengthening the view that 'the best team is going to win the war'... probably. Ok, I don't remember well what you've written about it, so I'm not going any deeper on this topic.
I'm just trying to form constructive criticism, and I could be wrong on any of these theses, but I hope there's nothing wrong with me expressing my view.
I apologize for not contributing to the event cards, I didn't see when this was taking place and so I didn't contribute.
Here's the thread:,8467.0.html
And here's one quote from the thread:
I support this idea, but you have to remember to make sure that these cards apply to EVERY element possible.
So as long as these Event Cards don't indirectly favor certain elements (like the one you have in your post SG), then I'd say it's a fantastic concept.
While its always the organizer that sets up the event, I dont understand the need to force something that majority strongly dislikes. Especially when the event is played only for fun, ie there are no prizes involved.
Before the event, other than that thread, there wasnt much talk about those Event cards really, as ideas were kept secret/private.
Before the whole drama started, practically everyone who was in the chat said the card should be changed/removed.
After that, there were practically 3 options:
1) Spend next months playing something you dont enjoy.
2) Quit
3) Voice your opinion trying to get it changed before the duels start.
Isnt #3 the only real option here? Quits WOULD ruin the event, and not having fun in something designed only to have fun is... absurd.
Issue is, everyone started to take all this personally, and both sides over reacted, which just means we're humans and care about this thingy enough to spend whole day on forum arguing about it.
One more reason why I didn't post my own ideas of Event Cards. I believed that people like Kuroaitou, who are active, understand people well, and have the skill and experience to predict peoples reactions, would take care of Event Cards. It seems I was right that there would be people expressing their concern about balance, and cards giving advantage to certain teams. I'm just surprised their voice didn't affect the final result.
Anyway, I guess Malduk described the situation, exactly the way a lot of people felt. They were surprised by the unbalanced event card, didn't enjoy it, and had a choice to either keep playing without joy, or try to change something. There is no reason to blame these people for their decision, and to be honest boycott was one of the best possible solutions, as it wasn't too aggressive, but wasn't weak and unnoticeable either. If people only started a discussion or a poll, it probably wouldn't solve the situation as quickly as it did. Of course a quick solution still has it's disadvantages, one of them being the sadness of organizers, so we have to find a solution for those problems. Any ideas what to do about it?
And to make it clear, I don't blame ANYONE. It's not peoples fault that they joined an event that turned out to be different from what they thought at first. It's not organizers fault that they didn't make everything clear from the beginning. It's impossible to make everything clear, and they did their best to do so.
If anyone is to blame, it's luck and the complexity of the event.