Just my two cents: again, a great set of rules and ideas that fell victim to a failure to understand the difference between "fair" and "balanced". It is, in theory over several Wars, "fair" to have a card that strongly promotes some participants over others, because everyone has an equal chance of getting their Age drawn.
But it's completely NOT "balanced", because in the short term, in a way that might very well make a MASSIVE difference in the outcome of any individual War, the Age (and, to a lesser but still significant degree, the Veil) cards do actually give one team a clear advantage over all of the others.
Players want interesting, they want cool, and they want fair -- but most gamers, at the heart of things, want balanced more than they want any of those other things. The concept of Event cards was awesome, and all of the cards that don't directly name one or more Elements are awesome, but the instant that you start creative massive imbalances, even for only one round, even with the chance of an equal imbalance in someone else's favor later, gamers get pissed.
We learned this as a system-wide failure in the original attempt at a War. We learned this as an item-specific failure here. Hopefully, we won't have to learn it again.