@Sir Valimont
If you accuse someone of not attempting discussion, you'd do better attempting discussion yourself.
Maybe it's just me, but IMHO your post mostly speaks about PhantomFox and other boycotters, not about their arguments.
I'll only address one matter, because QuantumT ninja'd most of it.
Computer game communities are in fact a 'simulation' or real life. Yes, a very rough simulation and with many fantasy/abstract/whatever aspects, but most of it relates to real life. For example leading a war team simulates leading a team in real life. Discussions on gaming forums simulate more serious discussions from real life. Discussing rules of a game or event simulates discussing rules and laws from the real world.
It's purpose is (IMHO) to learn how to handle such situations before you do it seriously in real life. Eg. you learn how to lead a team in a game, so that when you have to lead a team in your workplace you have some experience and know how to do it. You discuss rules in a game, so that when you get the opportunity to affect the real-life rules and laws you have some experience.
Otherwise games would be just a waste of time. And I HATE wasting of TIME