ScaredGirl did not ever have to get the approval of you or anyone else, and if she got your feedback at any point it was as a courtesy to you and to help her in her design process. It absolutely was not because she was bound by any contract, literal or implied, to make you happy.
And yet, that's what she
does. All of the many hours of work and dedication that she gives to these forums, it's all for the sole purpose of allowing us to have FUN and enjoy this amazing game in a unique and different way. It totally sucks ass that sometimes, her efforts fail. Trust me, I've been there, and it sucks.
But that said, when it happens (and it will always happen), you have an essential bit of cognitive dissonance that you have to deal with: you have to accept that either
a) That work you did that wasn't accepted by the community wasn't right for the community, and you effectively failed at something that you tried your best at.
b) That the community that you work hard to please is WRONG, which means perhaps it's a waste of your time and effort to try to serve them -- in which case, why are you trying so hard in the first place?
Either way you look at it, it sucks to be you, because you either failed in the short term with the particular element (no pun intended) that the community rejected, or you ARE FAILING in the long term by bothering to try to serve the community in the first place. Nobody wants to acknowledge failure, but in this case, it's unavoidable. You can try to talk over it all you want, but at the heart of things, either the entire community is wrong, or ScaredGirl is wrong -- and either way, it leads to ScaredGirl being wrong in some essential way.
That sucks. It's a horrible Catch-22, and it's depressing, and it's lame and it's crappy and it sucks.
Assuming that ScaredGirl gets enough validation out of serving the community that she elects to continue doing so, getting caught up in this bass-ackwards melodrama when it's clear that there was -- and STILL IS -- a simple solution to the whole mess that doesn't invalidate everything she's dumb. And there's no point in compounding one crappy situation by making it crappier -- not for us, but crappier for herself.
ScaredGirl has no need of our 'approval' -- that's absolutely true. She could totally just ban anyone who objects to anything, lose half the community, and keep going with what remains. That's apparently what you would do, in her shoes.
I'm glad it's her, and not you, that's in control. SG has proven to be able to stand up to a lot of abuse with incredible equanimity (if you think me pointing out what could have been -- and still could be -- done better is "shocking", you should see the brawls she and I have gotten into in the past!), and that's a huge part of what makes her such an amazing asset to Elements.
She wants everything to work out well -- we all do. The fact that she occasionally sees that something she's worked on isn't going to be taken well and decides to listen to the community is to her credit, but absolutely not to the community's blame. Everyone naturally has an opinion about the events around them, and vocalizes their opinions when something impacts them enough to...
You know what? This isn't worth explaining. Instead, I'm going to treat you exactly like you believe SG should be treating the community.
You have no actual authority here, and thus your opinion is irrelevant to me and I will summarily ignore it. Have a nice day.