So everyone I had a thought about why this whole issue ended up getting blown out of proportion.
Generally, in real life, when something comes down from the powers that be that you disagree with a little bit (a law you didn't like gets passed, some politician you didn't like gets elected, banks CEOs give themselves a bonus after receiving a bailout, whatever), you complain just as a way of expressing your displeasure. When it's something you really don't agree with, you start to resort to extreme measures like civil disobedience. You do this in a manner that is as loud as possible (boycotts, huge group protest rallies, etc.) because anything less will be shoved off to the side and ignored. As such, these measures are completely acceptable.
However, in Elements things work a bit differently. All of the same dynamics are in play, but because the community is so much smaller, such measures aren't necessary to be heard. One thoughtful post on the right thread can have more effect in the Elements community than a local rally would have in real life. Because of this, more extreme measures such as the "public ignoring" (I still refuse to call it a boycott), as well as boycotts and the like will generally be unnecessary. They will still be acceptable in some situations, but it's important to remember that there are other things that can be done first.
In this situation, we need to remember that in this community, unlike in real life, we actually have a voice and will be heard.
I won't condemn the ignoring, as people just resorted to the lowest level of communication that is generally effective for getting change in real life.
Remember everyone, in Elements you have a voice!