Alright, so I admit, my in game account might not be much. Truth be told, I spend way more time on the forums. But all that time on the forums hasn't been wasted. I'm an idea person. I spend my time trying out ideas that people may not have thought before. I consider myself a pretty good deck builder, and I try to do things in a unique way. I spend a lot of time in trainer just trying out deck ideas, and seeing what works better than you might think it would. Here are a couple links to some of what I consider to be my more interesting decks: Chaos Lightning (,12796.0.html) Quicksilver (,12091.0.html) 24 Card Gaveloid (,11907.0.html) CC Overload (,11724.0.html) As you might see, I try to play with some over the top ideas. I test things to breaking point. I have lots of free time, so I'll be available often. I'm also a great strategist, so I can and will try to provide unique strategies to help out the team. I'm already sort of playing with an idea. I don't care what team I'm in, and I'll be cheap enough. My card list may be somewhat lacking, but I'll grind for whatever deck I may need to get. I'm sure you will find me a great asset to my team. And hey, if you don't want to bid on me, nobody else will want to either, so if you DID bid on me, you probably could have gotten me. |