Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game
Elements the Game => War => Events and Competitions => War Archive => Topic started by: tyranim on June 05, 2010, 08:10:20 pm
air is short 2 players and need replacements.
anyone willing to join the winning team, join me! we will get revenge for all those times people talked down on air and we shall show them all just what air is capable of! join me and FIGHT!!!
2 reasons not to pick me:
I suck at PvPI put :air last in the betting
But if you're desperate...
:P :P :P :P I´m on :darknessbig roster FORFEIT!!
I'm up for it, but keep in mind that I only have 17 upgraded cards, none of which are air, and I wouldn't have access to tons of upgraded cards, though I could get enough electrum from FG grinding to buy pretty much any deck. I don't think I'm all that bad at pvp, I've played elements quite a bit and know a lot of strategy, but I've got quite a ways to go.
However, if you can't find two other experienced people that are better qualified, I'll join your team ^_^
I'm up for it, but keep in mind that I only have 17 upgraded cards, none of which are air, and I wouldn't have access to tons of upgraded cards, though I could get enough electrum from FG grinding to buy pretty much any deck. I don't think I'm all that bad at pvp, I've played elements quite a bit and know a lot of strategy, but I've got quite a ways to go.
However, if you can't find two other experienced people that are better qualified, I'll join your team ^_^
It's an unupgraded competition anyway.
im not looking for amazing players, just acceptable players, players who are active on forums, players who i can rely on to know the rules and be frequent enough incase something urgent comes up. are you any of thosel? if so, your in. if not, dont even try. im sorry for being such a di**, but this is the pride of air were talking about, i cant have slackers on my team.
acceptable players: check
players who are active on forums: check it continuously through the day
players who i can rely on to know the rules: check
be frequent enough incase something urgent comes up: like I said...
I think I'm all of those :)
alright then, your in. i think were full now!
nope not done yet, still ONE more spot to fill. come on people! join the winners circle!!!
give me 6 air nymphs and i will join you :))
if only i had enough to give 6 away willy nilly...
If you can't find anyone better then I'd be happy to fill the last spot. I'm an average player, read the forums daily, and have a few air decks that I use.
I'd go on the reserve list, if you can't find anyone before the deadline I'll join.
Seriously though, you can find a better player if you try,
for I just barely qualify.
If you ever need any help with poetry though... :p
hm..... very well, if there are no other signers in the next 4 hours, your in.
ooh! poetry! I love poetry! :D
Looking at the competition air might make it into the top 5.
@Unit - have a backup because I'm going on vacation soon (tomorrow) and I might miss the war.
Edit: war starts in two days =/
@Unit: What do I have to do in the near future for this? Have you already picked cards for the vault? I'm not entirely sure what's going on, just read a few threads about it.
vault is full, i have an almost completely different team as ace has chosen, and awaiting members to join so we can start building decks.
@Unit: What do I have to do in the near future for this? Have you already picked cards for the vault? I'm not entirely sure what's going on, just read a few threads about it.
I'm confused too.
When is the first battle?
Do we have to buy our own cards? (IE we can have air nymphs listed but if you don't have it you can't use it)
Who else is on the team?
More questions to come.
EDIT: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,7454.0.html
If that thread is true than I won't be able to help out in the war, I leave tommorrow for Fiji...sorry. I can still make a few decks before I go if you want...
hm.... well, the first matches were already chosen, but the names can easily be replaced (or at least i think it can)
who is in the team? well, Jon98, Hyroen, and valuka. the newer members are finkel and maybe xoned
and yes, you do need to own the cards.
My digital callander is low on battery so the 0 looked like a 1, turns out that I leave on the 6th and not the 16th...
I'd still be happy to PM you some concept decks in the morning, anything that can help.
crap... very well. hm......
As I see it you still have 48h to get another player if you premake some decks.
Heading to Fiji and you weren't sure if it was tomorrow or 10 days from now... You are living the LIFE, man. :P
:air :air :air :air :air :air :air :air :air :gravity
:air :life :life :life :air :air :air :air :air :air
:life :air :earth :air :life :air :air :air :air :air
:aether :aether :earth :aether :aether :aether :aether :aether 8) :aether <------------ Xoned
:time :time :earth :time :time :time :time :time :fire :time
:time :time :time :time :time :time :time :time :time :time
Heading to Fiji and you weren't sure if it was tomorrow or 10 days from now... You are living the LIFE, man. :P
:air :air :air :air :air :air :air :air :air :gravity
:air :life :life :life :air :air :air :air :air :air
:life :air :earth :air :life :air :air :air :air :air
:aether :aether :earth :aether :aether :aether :aether :aether 8) :aether <------------ Xoned
:time :time :earth :time :time :time :time :time :fire :time
:time :time :time :time :time :time :time :time :time :time
Not really, I have to pack and catch an early plane tommorrow, try and book a hotel, plan activities, get maps, tell my boss that I'm leaving 10 days early. The stuff that I normally do over 10 days... I'm not worried though, I pre-packed most of my stuff and should be able to find a hotel/B&B/motel.
If my internet stick works in Fiji I might be able help out, not sure atm.
No replies yet...Come on people, give :air a chance, you could be on the winning team if you try. What do you have to lose?
48hr should be plenty. That's two full days. We'll badger people all day tomorrow, I'm sure at least ONE of them will agree to join our cause ^_^
My only worry is that air doesn't have a lot of strategies going on, but since we can use other elements, I'm not too worried.
p.s.: It's pathetic how my mood changes depending on how I'm doing in elements, but right now I'm ridiculously happy and grinning because I've had some amazingly good games (for me) against FGs. Faced Fire queen twice in a row, both times drew one of my three electrocuters by the third turn, early enough to lobo every queen and flying owl's eye she played. She never got any fire quanta, forcing her to discard some turns because all she had were :fire cards :D Great feeling, seeing as how my rainbow lost to her a lot because of her early accumulation of :fire.
ive made my deadline 4 hours, that way we have enough time to figure out what were doing.
alright 2 1/2 hours remaining... (i may want to extend it a little...)
...what if nobody else speaks up in that time?
I'm also a tad bit worried that air is put at the end of people's betting lists for the order of winning elements 50%+ of the time. However, that just means we have to come in second-to-last or better to foil many people's attempts to get 12 points xD
you realize, the more people bet against it, the more we get when we win because we bet on it. (at least thats how it works in most gambling)
Lol. Not here, at least, not exactly. Unless we place very highly, we'll just drop people down a few points. If WE bet on winning the whole thing, and don't, we won't get ANY points (read the thread on betting on WAR).
HOLY SHIT I have 9 hours to build my deck?! I'm going to bed in 5 minutes, and won't even be awake then :( I suppose if you have to, you can make a deck for me. Make sure to check who I'm fighting (which element). Don't give me a FFQ deck against fire (rain of fire, fire shield, fire bolts...). I can farm FGs and get plenty of electrum to build any completley unupped deck.
See ya'll tomorrow.
we are now full!! smuglaps has joined
im not looking for amazing players, just acceptable players, players who are active on forums, players who i can rely on to know the rules and be frequent enough incase something urgent comes up. are you any of thosel? if so, your in. if not, dont even try. im sorry for being such a di**, but this is the pride of air were talking about, i cant have slackers on my team.
Yes sir, coach unit748596.
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