I had this controversial idea a few days ago when I was thinking about ways to help the developer by getting some extra donations.
In War we had a Rookie, an 8th team member who got a spot on a team outside the auction because of his or her newbie status. Idea was to introduce new players to the community and see what happens when a total newbie joins the ultimate PvP event. Idea is to now maybe add a similar role where a player gets added to the event, only this time they get picked through donations. This person would be called a Donator.
Option 1:
During the auction, everyone can donate money to Elements PayPal. After the auction is over, 13 people who donated the most (confirmed by Zanz), get to join a team of their choosing so that the highest donator picks an element first, then the 2nd highest, etc. This option would guarantee a spot in the team for highest donators.
Option 2:
Same as the previous one, but instead of Donators picking their teams, Generals would bid on Donators. This would have the advantage of giving Generals some control over who joins their team. Maybe there would be two auctions, one regular and one Donator auction, and each General would have to buy one Donator.
Option 3:
Team Rich Kids. A 14th team with rich newbies who will probably get destroyed in the first 3 rounds. Interesting idea but doesn't really fit well with the theme.
Option 4:
*Insert option here*
- more money for the development of Elements
- it's interesting to see how less experienced players do in a big PvP event
- number of available spots (using the auction method) on the team would decrease by 13
- Other team members might dislike Donators because they feel Donators don't deserve to be there
I personally think that advantages easily outweigh disadvantages. I think that a person who is willing to financially help Elements development deserves a spot on the team just as much as someone who has a slightly higher post count. This would be a great way for people to be able to join the War without having to be in the chat "inner circle" for months.
I think it's very important to realize that this wouldn't of course mean that War just became pay-to-play. It would only mean that one person in each team got there by donating. So basically by decreasing the number of regular spots by 13 players, we could potentially gather a bunch a cash and help Elements development.
I would like to add that this is not some evil scheme by Elements developer to trick you into giving him money. The original concept was all mine. This would be a way for the community to say thanks and give something back after receiving the Arena and soon new Shards. We could of course have a separate fund raising event, but that takes tons of organizing and probably won't be very effective because fund raising works better when there is a clear goal or gain. If we just start a topic called "Please Donate", I doubt we would get many donations.
I would also like to add that this system, if implemented, would be a one-time-deal and we wouldn't use a similar donate-to-join system in other events. Doing it once could be cool, but multiple times would probably become pretty lame pretty fast.
I didn't include a poll because most people here are going to apply for War, therefore are seriously biased. Either they are people who don't want to donate and are against this, or they are people who have no chance of getting in War through auction so they think donations are great. The decisions should be made by objective people like Warmasters and others who are not planning on joining War.
Please post your opinions here. I'm especially interested in alternative ways to make this donation thing work.