Question 1: The overtime is to "break ties" at the lower bid levels or this still active for all players(disregarding 24 bids of course)? For the given example, (...),EngPhys, Stickmasterlke, and UTAlan are waiting for more bids?
The overtime is a way to avoid bidding at the last 2 seconds just to keep a player without having to risk someone bidding higher. But for some reason,
the whole auction goes on, instead of just that last bidders...
Question 2: Let's take the scenario that all the masters formed a pact to stop bidding.
I understand the last 4 on the list would then be selected by Higurashi?
The ones who are tied in the last places of the bids are up to the general to be chosen. It's in the War rules.
Question 3: From seeing another "overtime 4" displayed on the first page does that mean there can be "infinite"? amount of overtime bids? Or is there usually a set limit? (in other words what triggers the "stopping point" to which masters cannot bid and selections for tied bids begins?)
Well, at some point, all the generals will have to bid 24 cards, and at some other point, all players will have 12 "24 cards" bids, so at that point, the auction will be definetly over