Been a bit. With Elements being slowly but surely ported unto unity, I'm kinda wanting to get back into the swing of things. I am bound by my RL job and won't be posting as often as I did back when I first came to the forums, but I'm looking forward to changing that.
Anyway, here's C.

C is a trader and traveller. He collects various magical artifacts from dozens of elemental kingdoms, virtually unparalleled in his abilities to get what others would consider to be unobtainable. Despite being a trader, C doesn't accept monetary reward, valuing knowledge over coin.
C seldom gets into trouble despite being a one-man band, which would render a mage otherwise vulnerable to attacks from less friendly groups looking to get a quick gain.
C doesn't seem to have a favorite element, but those who witness the grey-skinned creature in battle report using Time and Death to level his foes, which he uses by speaking short spells in a coarse unknown language...

...though he wields other elements just as well.
I can't go into too much detail about what I'm planning as announcing projects before time often leads to me not being able to finish them. This topic is kinda just me exploring what I can do and how I can design characters.
Also, have Cassy, just as a treat.