[2015-08-14 22:09:57] AD_Storm_Bolt: Also, this forums would make a really good story
[2015-08-14 22:10:14] AD_Storm_Bolt: Like, there are so many opportunities for stories
[2015-08-14 22:11:28] AD_Storm_Bolt: Disc could be like a trainee that learns how to fully use Entropy from Ian, the ninja master
[2015-08-14 22:15:00] Guest-Immortal-6d20f: ‹@AD_Storm_Bolt› >_>
[2015-08-14 22:15:19] Discord: ‹@AD_Storm_Bolt› i'm curious to see how this turns out. Pls continue

[2015-08-14 22:16:59] AD_Storm_Bolt: ‹@Discord› Hm. Then let's also have it continue Kryzs's comic
[2015-08-14 22:17:14] AD_Storm_Bolt: So you are sucked into the computer, and then fight the mono Darkness person
[2015-08-14 22:18:46] AD_Storm_Bolt: ‹@Discord› Okay, so then you realize you are in the Darkness part of Elements world (there are twelve regions, one for each element)
[2015-08-14 22:19:10] AD_Storm_Bolt: So you eventually get out, but not before hearing about a mysterious overlord by the name of Physsion
[2015-08-14 22:20:04] AD_Storm_Bolt: And you pay no attention to it because you have your special pink sword of doom and can kill mono Darkness decks
[2015-08-14 22:20:17] Discord: xD
[2015-08-14 22:20:40] AD_Storm_Bolt: So you journey on and find yourself in the.. hm, what's a good region to go to next..
[2015-08-14 22:20:43] AD_Storm_Bolt:
(1d12) 4 = 4
[2015-08-14 22:20:50] AD_Storm_Bolt: Alright, so you're now in the land of Earth
[2015-08-14 22:20:59] Discord: Loool
[2015-08-14 22:21:34] AD_Storm_Bolt: And there, you get swarmed by a pack of Antlions
[2015-08-14 22:21:43] AD_Storm_Bolt: And they're evil Antlions
[2015-08-14 22:21:46] Discord: Oh nooo!
[2015-08-14 22:21:48] AD_Storm_Bolt: Like, rahr. Vicious
[2015-08-14 22:22:05] AD_Storm_Bolt: So you bop each one on the head with your sword
[2015-08-14 22:22:19] AD_Storm_Bolt: And they all scramble and ish
[2015-08-14 22:22:43] AD_Storm_Bolt: But then a giant boulder comes hurling from around a corner and knocks you out
[2015-08-14 22:23:32] Discord: Elk! Noooo
[2015-08-14 22:23:36] Discord: aaahhh!
[2015-08-14 22:23:45] AD_Storm_Bolt: When you wake up, you see you are in a cave filled with Wardens (it's a big cave), and then see one particular Warden sitting on a throne
[2015-08-14 22:24:11] AD_Storm_Bolt: And yeah, that's elk, and elk threw a giant boulder at you to take you into custody because evil pink swords are evil
[2015-08-14 22:24:22] AD_Storm_Bolt: So you're a prisoner in the land of Earth
[2015-08-14 22:25:31] AD_Storm_Bolt: And so you're in your earthen prison, with Steel Golems as guards, and your sword is on a table right outside your cell
[2015-08-14 22:26:15] AD_Storm_Bolt: When suddenly something flies in through the window and attacks the golems. It's a small Leaf Dragon
[2015-08-14 22:26:29] AD_Storm_Bolt: And that's the exact moment you realize that every other cell has a Leaf Dragon imprisoned
[2015-08-14 22:27:27] AD_Storm_Bolt: So it's like chaos, and all the cells are being unlocked. You take the chance, grab your sword, and run away with the dragons
[2015-08-14 22:27:50] Discord:

easy escape
[2015-08-14 22:27:59] AD_Storm_Bolt: And that leads to you traveling to the land of Life
[2015-08-14 22:28:55] AD_Storm_Bolt: There, in the jungle, you are quickly abandoned by the Leaf Dragons since they take to the air and you can't fly because guess what? You're a human
[2015-08-14 22:29:18] AD_Storm_Bolt: So you're wandering alone, when the tree next to you starts to freeze over
[2015-08-14 22:29:40] AD_Storm_Bolt: And then all the trees in front of you instantly get covered in ice and frost and cold things
[2015-08-14 22:29:52] AD_Storm_Bolt: And you see a figure jumping through the leaves
[2015-08-14 22:29:56] AD_Storm_Bolt: Which are also frozen btw
[2015-08-14 22:30:00] Discord: D:
[2015-08-14 22:30:45] AD_Storm_Bolt: So you decide to try and follow, but the canopy up there is too cold for an Entropy user like you, and the frozen leaves slice at you like knives
[2015-08-14 22:31:12] AD_Storm_Bolt: So you're stuck at ground level for the time being. But it's getting very cold, and you still have no idea where you are
[2015-08-14 22:32:18] AD_Storm_Bolt: You suddenly hear something rustling behind you. You quickly duck behind a tree and wait. Nothing. You slowly lean around and look.
[2015-08-14 22:32:58] AD_Storm_Bolt: And right as you get out from behind the tree, somebody crashes into you head on
[2015-08-14 22:34:07] AD_Storm_Bolt: You look up and see that it's a figure in a dark blue cloak, but you can't see their face due to the cloak's hood. They get up quickly, and are about to leave, then seem to realize something, then turn back to look at you
[2015-08-14 22:34:36] AD_Storm_Bolt: They tell you to follow them, and since you don't have anything better to do since you're freezing, you do
[2015-08-14 22:35:33] AD_Storm_Bolt: After quite a bit of following, you realize that you are now in the land of Water
[2015-08-14 22:35:57] Discord: Ohnoo! It's wet xD
[2015-08-14 22:36:43] AD_Storm_Bolt: The hooded figure turns around and curses. You look behind you and see an army of frogs, cockatrices, and rustlers all charging, and you can tell that most of them are under the influence of Adrenaline
[2015-08-14 22:37:19] iDaire: Ooo. Storytime.
[2015-08-14 22:37:54] Krzysiekxd: so much blue
[2015-08-14 22:38:32] AD_Storm_Bolt: So, they tell you to hurry and leave before you get hurt. You try to talk and say that you can fight and are capable, but he decides to freeze you and summon a Crawler to carry you away
[2015-08-14 22:39:35] AD_Storm_Bolt: So you're on the back of a crawler, frozen, and the only thing you can do is watch. The figure was fighting, using primarily ice, which you thought was kinda strange, but it's still technically water, so meh.
[2015-08-14 22:40:04] AD_Storm_Bolt: But, as it went on, even though there were many fallen Life creatures, there were many that started multiplying through Mitosis
[2015-08-14 22:40:26] AD_Storm_Bolt: And the figure's freezing tactics are ineffective due to the Adrenaline
[2015-08-14 22:41:21] AD_Storm_Bolt: You can tell that the figure is getting tired, but you're still stuck. And then you realize that your legs weren't frozen, only your upper body
[2015-08-14 22:41:37] AD_Storm_Bolt: And the ice was melting quickly
[2015-08-14 22:41:38] Discord: Lol
[2015-08-14 22:42:29] AD_Storm_Bolt: So you jump up, and get off the crawler. It turns to look at you and starts to charge, but by now your arm is free and you swing with your sword, disorienting it long enough for you to run back
[2015-08-14 22:42:55] Discord: Yaaay
[2015-08-14 22:43:06] AD_Storm_Bolt: But as you ran, you realized you had no plan whatsoever for dealing with a bunch of angry Life minions
[2015-08-14 22:43:36] AD_Storm_Bolt: And you had no time. The Life creatures were starting to pile up on the hooded figure, and it wasn't looking so good
[2015-08-14 22:44:03] Discord: Full steam aheaaad!
[2015-08-14 22:44:36] AD_Storm_Bolt: So you run and try just swinging your pink sword around, but it only got rid of a few creatures, and many more took their place
[2015-08-14 22:44:39] AD_Storm_Bolt: *places
[2015-08-14 22:45:37] AD_Storm_Bolt: And then, deep inside, you felt something shift. Your vision goes blurry for a second, and you feel like you're going to throw up. And then it's over. You look up. There are a bunch of dead Life creatures laying around you.
[2015-08-14 22:46:46] Discord: Eww plague

[2015-08-14 22:46:51] AD_Storm_Bolt: You then see that the hooded figure was badly injured, and when you inspect him, it seems as if he had been infected by a poison
[2015-08-14 22:48:00] Discord:

[2015-08-14 22:48:02] AD_Storm_Bolt: So you get up, tell him to not move, and you run to the closest village and ask for a medic. You explain, and they just give you a simple vial of water. You run back and give it to him, and he drinks it.
[2015-08-14 22:48:58] AD_Storm_Bolt: "Thank you for the Purify." He said as he got up,"I must say though, you are quite a powerful Entropy elemental. Thank you."
[2015-08-14 22:49:19] AD_Storm_Bolt: Confused, you ask him why he thought that. All you'd done was try and use your pink sword of doom and then get dizzy
[2015-08-14 22:49:32] AD_Storm_Bolt: He looks at you, confused that you were confused
[2015-08-14 22:50:05] AD_Storm_Bolt: "Most Entropy elementals don't know how to successfully cast a Pandemonium until they're much older than you" He explained
[2015-08-14 22:50:40] AD_Storm_Bolt: You look around and realize that that must've been what had happened.
[2015-08-14 22:52:29] AD_Storm_Bolt: The figure's cloak was torn, and he takes it off, showing his face. He holds out a hand. "And sorry, I never introduced myself, did I? Well, I suppose I could tell you my real name, but most people just shorten it to AD." You shake his hand
[2015-08-14 22:53:18] Discord: ‹@AD_Storm_Bolt› it's you

[2015-08-14 22:53:29] AD_Storm_Bolt:

[2015-08-14 22:53:41] Discord: SSHHHH xD
[2015-08-14 22:49:38] Guest-Immortal-6d20f [»] Krzysiekxd: Hi Krzy.
[2015-08-14 22:50:12] Guest-Immortal-6d20f [»] Krzysiekxd: did we copyright the upcoming comic? >_>