Clockwork Scout/Scavenger. Was made for a clockwork series. Still need to finish that.

Sibling time, featuring the twins of Sun, Miracle and Divine Glory as children.
Spoiler for Bionicle Stuff:

Mahri Nui.

The Dawn at the
Sity of Legends. Need to change the misspelling.

Teridax, Makuta of Metru Nui. Technically, a False God. =P

Paper Plane. Made a card about it.

Aircraft. Gonna make a card about it. Someday.

Bronze Dragon. Gonna make a card when get to work on Clockwork. Dunno when really.

Cassy, my pixelated daughter, a.k.a my muse.
Spoiler for Brawl stuff:

Bard task, round 1

Round 2, bard task

Round 3, bard task

Round 4, bonus task

Round 5, bard task

Plantlife Dragon thingy

A nice house tree

Picture of a magical landscape... I really don't know where I was going with it.

Cube Escape fanart. Called Memories

Skadi, goddess of winter and hunt from Norse mythology.

New avatar. Good thingy *-*

True God Rainbow. Made for Kneel or Drown and some other bits and pieces

Arctic Dragon. Cool thingy *0*
Aviators fanart

My friend
Roo helped me come up with the design of my new character/muse Keith. Here she is.

I did a do about Aviators' album "A Song That Never Ends"

And about the trilogy that consists of Dystopian Fiction, Building Better Worlds, and Stargazers
Elemental Armor thingy. All about colorful bits of plates that would protect elementals' bodies. Or at least our take on it.
Winged Wolf drawing.

Laptop girl. It's a common joke inside the Discord Server that we're married to our laptop. So yeah, We drew our wife.

A fanart for an album that isn't gonna come out for at least 5 more months. We just figured we'd do it now, cuz no one else would xD

In our proposal for EtG lore, we've got a moment, where Jezebel takes over Rainbow's divine force, absorbing it and becoming iridescent herself, and leaving Rainbow colorless. However, as time passed, Jezebel realizes that the power was too strong and meets Rainbow to discuss the return of the divine power to its original wielder. That's the picture of the discussion.

Also did Decay as the True God. Cuz why wouldn't we?

And Jezebel

And also our muse Keith