Half-finished coloring of Agyros. I don't think I'll be finishing this... (I can't visualize the lighting well enough anymore)

Cheerleader Midas. Arcana of The Great Passage (


Recently checked out what the "Jojo" manga is. Read the Steel Ball Run part and my God, that is the gayest shit I've ever seen, and as much as I'd hate to admit it, I think it's affecting my art style now (especially the one knee behind one knee pose). I did love Johnny's character design tho. The color choice on his armbands is gorgeous, and I'll be damned if I don't use that in my own character designs.

Bad alternative character design for Wave Arcana (

). Clothing designed after Natsu's vest from Fairy Tail.
Also, I'm feeling inspired to write my own drama supernatural harem similar to Bunny Girl Senpai (with the same OregaIru vibes). I want to know if the premise sounds feasible. I currently have 4 arcs planned, feedback would be highly appreciated