Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => PvP Events => Events and Competitions => PvP Event Archive => Topic started by: Ryli on October 20, 2010, 12:26:34 am

Title: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 20, 2010, 12:26:34 am

The new brackets
Last updated: 26th Oct - 01.45(GMT)
Ignore the table results at the bottom. I'm going to change these to reflect the fact that I've removed participants, so I don't benefit people who lost and punish people who won (too much).

Go to the original topic to see rules and decks. I don't think there's any need to repost it all here.

Smokefree - Graviton
kobisjeruk - Rainbow
The dictator - Neptune
Pervepic - Ocatane
Kuroaitou - Osiris
lava golem - Divine Glory
kevkev60614 - Hermes
girlsgeneration - Dark Matter
smuglapse - Fire Queen
miniwally - Miracle
icecoldbro - Eternal Phoenix
thraexis11 - Ferox
majofa - Chaos Lord
Mr Blonde - Destiny
Title: Re: URFG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Demagog on October 20, 2010, 01:45:58 am
Edit your post with all the stuff. You can probably edit the title of the thread too... not sure.
Title: Re: URFG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: BC on October 20, 2010, 01:56:42 am
Now that this actually has an active thread, is it still possible to join? Posted in the old thread, but obviously got no reply since original organizer went missing. Made an edited deck for Gemini and everything.
I personally don't see a problem because this is a round robin (we haven't had Gemini since long time ago, and looks like Gemini never got edited in the first place), but since you are the new organizer, you make the call. I wouldn't care that much if it isn't possible.
Code: [Select]
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Title: Re: URFG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: lava golem on October 20, 2010, 02:03:27 am
got no replies from chat, so I'll ask here:
Are we continuing from the original YATFG tourney or are we starting all over again? (I had a pretty decent amount of wins on the original one  :P)
Title: Re: URFG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: kobisjeruk on October 20, 2010, 02:41:15 am
continue or start over...i'm ok either way
as for participants, i'd like to see some commitment
people who keep switching decks or likes to do the In 'N Out thing shouldnt be allowed
same goes for those who are excited but never to be seen again after a few days

as for that modified Gemini, i'd advise using Gravity Towers instead (or maybe 2 towers, 2 pendulums) seeing you're seriously lacking the quanta to cast the big Ds
Title: Re: URFG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: BC on October 20, 2010, 02:44:24 am
Nah, the deck is intentionally short on gravity quanta, because I basically ignore massive dragons. 2 gravity pendulums are there so that they can power unstoppables.
Title: Re: URFG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Demagog on October 20, 2010, 03:59:33 am
Continue from the previous. This event has been going on way too long.
Title: Re: URFG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 20, 2010, 06:11:20 pm
Demagog is correct, I intend to continue. No need to post old matches, I have paper records of everything. Hope to have EVERYTHING up by midnight (GMT), Tommorow at the latest. I don't think people should join now, I have brackets set up and people have played a lot of matches.

On another note jamiejoneslovesu and giversgivealot have only played one match, a while ago. I'm not sure they're active anymore. Please could they leave a post/PM confirming whether your in or out. If I don't hear anything by Sunday your out.

p.s. Thanks for letting me do this Demagog. :)
Title: Re: URFG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: BC on October 20, 2010, 07:28:21 pm
Excellent. Gotta go up those good-for-nothing massive dragons then.  ;D
Title: Re: URFG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 20, 2010, 07:42:41 pm
Excellent. Gotta go up those good-for-nothing massive dragons then.  ;D
Sorry, I've changed my mind. I'm not letting anyone in now.

I would be up for holding another one of these at another time, so you could join then.
Title: Re: URFG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: smuglapse on October 20, 2010, 07:54:06 pm
Excellent. Gotta go up those good-for-nothing massive dragons then.  ;D
Sorry, I've changed my mind. I'm not letting anyone in now.

I would be up for holding another one of these at another time, so you could join then.
While this is unfortunate for BatCountry, I, and I think a lot of other players would like to get this event over and done with.

Thanks for picking up the reins morningstar.
Title: Re: URFG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Demagog on October 20, 2010, 09:33:46 pm
Ya, I came just now to say that no one else should be allowed to join, but it looks like I don't have to.
Title: Re: URFG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 20, 2010, 11:59:54 pm
The original post has being updated with The new brackets and everything else. Post all  new matches here. Old ones have been recorded in the brackets. If you notice anything wrong with them let me know and give me the page number from the old thread.

Thanks to everyone for being so patient with this event.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: lava golem on October 21, 2010, 12:10:40 am
giversgivealot and jamiejoneslovesu haven't been very active, the only times I've seen them active were like 2 weeks ago and then still they wouldn't verse me...
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 21, 2010, 12:15:13 am
giversgivealot and jamiejoneslovesu haven't been very active, the only times I've seen them active were like 2 weeks ago and then still they wouldn't verse me...
I'm aware. I've pmed them (and everyone else) to let them know the thread is here. They have 3 days to reply otherwise they will be removed from the event. Same goes for nilsieboy and Terroking.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: lava golem on October 21, 2010, 01:17:00 am
terroking and nilsieboy have had over 5 matches, but givers and jamie have both only had 1 match, and that was against each other...
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: $$$man on October 21, 2010, 01:57:31 am
I think I am still in since TLS never took me out?

If I am then this match counts.
Seism ($$$man) 2 - 1 Divine glory (Lava golem)
first game.
3 tower draw led to too evolved graboids by turn 3. he futily tried to denial me via deflag, it did not work :D A steel golem came out to join the shriekers and I was winning after pounding through a miracle while denying any light quanta for another. He gave up after he realized it was a lost game

Seism 1-0 Divine glory

Holy batman bad draw.
1 stone tower 5 graboids 1 antlion
He deflagged my only tower stalling me while my lone antlion ate at his health Then my second tower and his first glory made an appearence. And he deflagged again, then I got another tower and popped out an EQ to stop his light production. I couldn't do much to stop him as another MG came out. Two graboidss come out to help me, while a light tower gets his quanta Very close game as he delfags andother tower and I get out a gnome rider to counter it. And the miracle clenchs his win

Seism 1-1 Divine glory

Final match:
I got a double tower draw with a gnome rider with an enchant giving me a nice quanta flow for the rest of the game. An EQ on his towers and another graboid comes out to join the shrieker and 2 riders, he also gets out a glory. Another tower comes out, and I almost have enough quanta for one of the 2 Dragons in my hand. I draw yet another tower to get out my dragon while his lone tower priduces quanta to never be used. I win :D

Seism 2-1 Divine glory
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: lava golem on October 21, 2010, 02:03:36 am
Is $$$man in this or not? I versed him anyways regardless...

Lava Golem 1-2 $$$man (seism)

1st round: he got 2 graboids out in the 2nd turn and quicksanded my towers... It was a quick loss for me because I had no MGs and he was basically using a shrieker rush deck

2nd round: He got an antlion out on the second turn, I deflagged his tower then he seemed to have no other towers in his hand, I got two quick glories out since he only had 1 quanta (no quicksands)

3rd round: 2 towers+gnome rider+PA meant he had constant quanta to put out his graboids, eventually his 2 shriekers pounded my health to nothing.

Divine glory 1-2 Seism
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 21, 2010, 12:00:08 pm
Sorry $$$man, your out. When I looked through the last thread I gathered that you wanted to be out, so I've removed you. If anyone is in doubt check the original post, where I've put a list of all participants.

I'm happy to host another one of these another time, so anyone who isn't in this one for whatever reason can join then.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: lava golem on October 21, 2010, 12:08:19 pm
hmm, I guess those matches don't count. Fun matches anyways...
Seism probably would've gotten in Top 3 here
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: kev on October 21, 2010, 02:35:38 pm
smokefree beat me (Round 17 in the brackets) and recorded it here (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,11967.msg177385#msg177385).

I PM'd murtle, jamie, and givers at one point and never heard peep from any of them.  None have logged on in over a week.  nils wasn't playing this event during the Trials but maybe he is now.  I'll catch him in chat.

The rest looks good.  Thanks for righting this ship, morningstar.  I'm looking forward to it concluding.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 21, 2010, 03:18:38 pm
Updated with Smokefree vs kevkev60614 and Smokefree vs kuroaitou
If there are any more I've missed let me know. There are possibly more, as it was very difficult to find matches among that many pages, and double/triple posts of some matches.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: lava golem on October 21, 2010, 11:39:33 pm
Wasn't there a time limit for this event?
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 21, 2010, 11:49:14 pm
Wasn't there a time limit for this event?
Thelonesun said a month from when he started it, but I think it's been longer. I'm also guessing that people didn't bother much with making an effort as the organiser went missing. I'm extending it, but if we finish sooner then it's even better. You all have until 2 weeks (until 3rd November) to finish up.
Please try to make an effort, as if all matches don't finish I will be giving wins to active over inactive participants (assuming you haven't been inactive to the point of been removed by then).

As of this point giversgivealot and jamiejoneslovesu are no longer part of this event. I think it will be simplest to give everyone a win over them.
Title: Re: URFG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: BC on October 22, 2010, 10:38:43 pm
Excellent. Gotta go up those good-for-nothing massive dragons then.  ;D
Sorry, I've changed my mind. I'm not letting anyone in now.

I would be up for holding another one of these at another time, so you could join then.
I am fine with this as I already said in my last post, but I would have "very much prefered" it if you said this from the beginning.
Meh, whatever. If somebody has a kickass deck that uses massive dragons feel free to pm me.  ???
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 23, 2010, 07:17:06 pm
nilsieboy has left the event.

Matches left to be played - this is pasted directly from Challonge, so if your match has been played, then it means I haven't reported it. Just repost the results here.

The dictator vs. smuglapse
The dictator vs. miniwally
threaxis11 vs. The dictator
icecoldbro vs. miniwally
miniwally vs. Smokefree
miniwally vs. threaxis11
The dictator vs. icecoldbro
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 24, 2010, 03:51:37 pm
I'm removing Terroking from the event as he's only played 4 matches and hasn't shown any interest in continuing.

It's a shame that this has gone on long enough to clash with the war, and if it's going to interfere with anyone who has several matches left to play let me know.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: majofa on October 24, 2010, 08:26:26 pm
Chaos Lord (majofa) 2 - Ferox (threaxis11) 1

Game 1: After turn one, I had 3 RoLs and he had 3 Leaf Dragons. It was somewhat close, then he started putting out some bigger creatures. I drew my Dissipation Field, which along with some favorable mutations, saved my the game by exactly 1 HP.

Game 2: My RoL mutated into a 3/2 creature with immaterial. :(
I think I only got one creature after that and got totally run over.

Game 3: He called gg before the first turn. Leaf Dragon and RoL in opening hand. I had just a Quantum Tower, but also a Discord. I managed to get it down quick though. Scrambling kept his Dragon at bay for 4 turns. By then I was able to get an MD out and Paradoxed everything I could. Stole his Feral Bond and mutated some nice creatures.

Well, that's the end of the tournament for me... it was fun.
Chaos Lord was very random, which is why I chose him.
And when people say I won because of luck... I tell them, yes I did! :)
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: GG on October 25, 2010, 05:06:38 pm
seriously. start a timer that goes for a week then end this event already.

this has been going for way too long a time.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 25, 2010, 06:05:28 pm
seriously. start a timer that goes for a week then end this event already.

this has been going for way too long a time.
I've given the time in an earlier post for 3rd November.

Timer is on the OP. No matches will count after this. I will decide the outcome if you only have a couple left. If you have many I'll just remove you.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Kuroaitou on October 26, 2010, 12:14:13 am
Okay, just to let you guys know - I basically fought all of my matches, as nilsieboy and Terroking dropped out, while the others were really inactive. I hope my name in red means that I'm DONE with my matches, as opposed to being inactive. =\

Thanks again though for the updates morningstar. Really needed someone to wrap this little thing up.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 26, 2010, 12:17:36 am
I hope my name in red means that I'm DONE with my matches, as opposed to being inactive. =\
The reds were for self reference, but yes it does mean your finished.

I'm removing murtle from the event as he hasn't been active on the forums for 3 weeks.
Essence hasn't been very active with the event, but with the war he's probably busy, and I haven't got a reply over whether he's continuing, so I'm removing him too.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 26, 2010, 12:57:04 am
The dictator vs. smuglapse
The dictator vs. miniwally
threaxis11 vs. The dictator
icecoldbro vs. miniwally
miniwally vs. Smokefree
miniwally vs. threaxis11
The dictator vs. icecoldbro

These are all the matches left to be played. I know people are busy with the war, but I would really appreciate it if you could find the time to play these. The people on the list only have between 1 and 4 matches left so it shouldn't take too long.

As there are so few left I am also taking 2 day off the time (now 1st November)
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: GG on October 26, 2010, 10:20:37 am
o_o six people with 14-5 record.

Are they all receiving awards or are you going to have a mini tournament between them?
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: kobisjeruk on October 26, 2010, 10:44:12 am
The dictator vs. smuglapse
The dictator vs. miniwally
threaxis11 vs. The dictator
icecoldbro vs. miniwally
miniwally vs. Smokefree
miniwally vs. threaxis11
The dictator vs. icecoldbro
icb can take it all if he wins both so have patience GG
if it end with ties, i'd say there can only be one so mini tournament gets my vote
but its up to TO to decide and whatever is good as long as we can wrap this shiet up
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 26, 2010, 12:18:14 pm
o_o six people with 14-5 record.

Are they all receiving awards or are you going to have a mini tournament between them?
As there are 6 players removed, I consider these to be 8-5. Yes there will be a tournament.

As for rewards, I don't know anything about these. What are considered normal rewards in tournaments like these, and how would they be given to the winner? And can I only award one or 1st-4th with decreasing rewards?
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: nilsieboy on October 26, 2010, 02:07:27 pm
o_o six people with 14-5 record.

Are they all receiving awards or are you going to have a mini tournament between them?
As there are 6 players removed, I consider these to be 8-5. Yes there will be a tournament.

As for rewards, I don't know anything about these. What are considered normal rewards in tournaments like these, and how would they be given to the winner? And can I only award one or 1st-4th with decreasing rewards?
award for pvp event is icon
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 26, 2010, 02:14:52 pm
award for pvp event is icon
Nice and simple, nothing for me to worry about then, good :)
Only an award for the winner then, will be decided with a mini tournament, unless icecoldbro wins his final 2 matches, which I believe will put him in 1st, with no chance of removal.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 27, 2010, 01:35:16 pm
We all want this done as soon as possible, so I have a theory
As icecoldbro is the only one with a chance taking the victory (or at least drawing with the leaders), only his game need to be played. Right?

The only games that need to be played then are
icecoldbro vs miniwally
icecoldbro vs the dictator
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: kobisjeruk on October 27, 2010, 01:37:58 pm
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 27, 2010, 01:45:30 pm
just pmed him to see if he wants to play them. If he says no then we can skip to a mini tournament between

lava golem
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 27, 2010, 03:29:00 pm
A spoiler for the next tournament, if I'm allowed to host it again.

I've been testing with Paradox as no one made a deck that was anywhere near desirable to be the one to use. I made it my mission to have a playable Paradox. If I don't get to host another I will post it up as a normal deck.

The one I came up with switches some rays for pendulums, some aether towers for pendulums, and drops some blessing and dejavus entirely. I think it does alot to help by providing more time and light, while dropping some of the aether which I often had too much of, due to having a smaller deck

Many games it fell victim to bad draws and CC, but when it went well it was totally kickass :D, and I even managed to take down a few of the weaker FGs if I got a near perfect hand (Don't count on this too often).

I'm not going to spam you with my 22/74 FG wins but here is one against Divine Glory
(http://imageplay.net/m7Gbd99682/Paradox_mod_vs_Divine_Glory_thumb.jpg) (http://imageplay.net/view/m7Gbd99682/Paradox_mod_vs_Divine_Glory)
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: nilsieboy on October 27, 2010, 04:41:28 pm
A spoiler for the next tournament, if I'm allowed to host it again.

I've been testing with Paradox as no one made a deck that was anywhere near desirable to be the one to use. I made it my mission to have a playable Paradox. If I don't get to host another I will post it up as a normal deck.

The one I came up with switches some rays for pendulums, some aether towers for pendulums, and drops some blessing and dejavus entirely. I think it does alot to help by providing more time and light, while dropping some of the aether which I often had too much of, due to having a smaller deck

Many games it fell victim to bad draws and CC, but when it went well it was totally kickass :D, and I even managed to take down a few of the weaker FGs if I got a near perfect hand (Don't count on this too often).

I'm not going to spam you with my 22/74 FG wins but here is one against Divine Glory
(http://imageplay.net/m7Gbd99682/Paradox_mod_vs_Divine_Glory_thumb.jpg) (http://imageplay.net/view/m7Gbd99682/Paradox_mod_vs_Divine_Glory)
you want this again :o
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 27, 2010, 04:45:05 pm
you want this again :o
If people want to do the tournament then I will host it (both current aand new entrants are welcome). It shouldn't be so bad next time as the rules will be better defined, and I promise to stay around for the tournament and keep it up to date and on track. If it comes to the worst and leaving is absolutely unavoidable then I would speak to a tournament organiser, so things go smoothly. If it does go ahead I plan to do it after the war, so they don't clash again.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Scaredgirl on October 27, 2010, 07:03:26 pm
you want this again :o
If people want to do the tournament then I will host it (both current aand new entrants are welcome). It shouldn't be so bad next time as the rules will be better defined, and I promise to stay around for the tournament and keep it up to date and on track. If it comes to the worst and leaving is absolutely unavoidable then I would speak to a tournament organiser, so things go smoothly. If it does go ahead I plan to do it after the war, so they don't clash again.
This event was a disaster (not because of you of course). It all started from the fact that it was never supposed to even be this big thing, it was supposed to be a regular weekly tournament. There were other major issues as well which we all are aware of.

This "PvP Events" forum section will see some big changes very shortly, changes that will make the events run more smoothly and be more epic. If you are interested in running these events, you will have a chance to do so. But it won't be "You are the FG" because this event will probably never happen again.

Now.. hopefully we can get this event finally finished. I'm hoping to see a winner before the week is done. After that I just might have to resort to euthanasia, lock this topic, and bury it somewhere where nobody can ever find it.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 27, 2010, 08:28:52 pm
Scaredgirl has spoken, there will not be another one. Wouldn't mind doing other events though.

I also suppose I should go post my modded Paradox in the Decks section, as there's no need for it to be secret.

About this one. Going by the 'points in games' for the leaders, pervepic and lava golem come out on top with 20 points.
If Scaredgirl thinks they should both win the event so we can end right now, I think that would be good. Otherwise we should have a match between these 2. Either way is fine with me.
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: the dictator on October 27, 2010, 09:53:52 pm
Well, one more match done:

The dictator (Neptune) 2 - Smuglapse (Fire Queen) 1
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Demagog on October 28, 2010, 07:53:20 am
It looks like if ICB wins his last two games the event will have a winner... any way to hurry up his remaining games?
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Ryli on October 28, 2010, 11:20:53 am
He says he has time over the weekend I'll give him till then than start a mini tournament between the others. As he's been less active than the current leaders I don't intend to keep him in for the mini tournament with only one win. He MUST win both.
Here are the brackets for the new one if anyone wants to play their matches early just in case.

Round 1
girlsgeneration vs lava golem
kuroaitou vs kobisjeruk
pervepic vs kevkev60614

Round 2
winner A vs winner B
winner A vs winner C
winner B vs winner C
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: the dictator on October 28, 2010, 02:55:22 pm
The dictator (Neptune) 2 - Thraexis (Ferox) 0
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: kobisjeruk on November 02, 2010, 05:51:25 am
any news on icb's matches? or should we just move on with the mini tourney?
Title: Re: You are the FG (Taken over by morningstar)
Post by: Scaredgirl on November 02, 2010, 06:18:08 am
Event has ended. Thanks for playing.