Chaos Lord (majofa) 2 - Ferox (threaxis11) 1
Game 1: After turn one, I had 3 RoLs and he had 3 Leaf Dragons. It was somewhat close, then he started putting out some bigger creatures. I drew my Dissipation Field, which along with some favorable mutations, saved my the game by exactly 1 HP.
Game 2: My RoL mutated into a 3/2 creature with immaterial.

I think I only got one creature after that and got totally run over.
Game 3: He called gg before the first turn. Leaf Dragon and RoL in opening hand. I had just a Quantum Tower, but also a Discord. I managed to get it down quick though. Scrambling kept his Dragon at bay for 4 turns. By then I was able to get an MD out and Paradoxed everything I could. Stole his Feral Bond and mutated some nice creatures.
Well, that's the end of the tournament for me... it was fun.
Chaos Lord was very random, which is why I chose him.
And when people say I won because of luck... I tell them, yes I did!