I'll ask again:
Does the 'choose your pillars/pendulums' rule allow me to swap out a couple of pillars for Earth Pendulums in Scorpio's deck?
how can you say yes to that? does that mean Seism can swap a couple of stone towers for gravity pendulums too?
or maybe Rainbow can swap a few quantum towers for light pendulum instead?
you know Scorpio (and Neptune for that matter) is NOT supposed to be able to use Poseidon right?
it doesnt matter if theres only a single poseidon in scorpio (just an example) or just a single earth tower/pendulum
i highly object the use of pendulums OUTSIDE of what the original FG is capable of
meaning no quanta other than


for Seism,



for Scorpio and


for Neptune
however, even though it is not my FG of choice, i'd really like to see some swap of aether tower/pendulum for light pendulum in Paradox because of the insanely high number and cost of

cards compared to 6 RoLs to fuel enough for all those cards and you never did respond to my suggestion
rasta said it best
Make the decks work! Do not make them optimal!