UPDATING THIS POST WITH HERMES' WINS kevkev 2 - morningstar (Miracle) 0
First game I deflagged his four pillars and lanced both his leaf dragons.
Second game more deflagging, lanced/ragepotted a dragon, and grew two fire spectres.
kevkev 2 - smuglapse (FFQ) 0
First game he literally didn't draw a queen or EE.
Second game I got an early fire shield and enough CC/PC to stall until I found enough quanta to power my critters.
kevkev 2 - girlsgeneration (Dark Matter) 0
First game I got BH'd a couple times early but managed to ragepot the oty and firestorm/lance the angel. A spectre and a golem did most of the damage.
Second game I got two early spectres and plenty of quanta, then pulled pretty much every card as I needed it.
kevkev 2 - Lava golem (DG) 0
First game I won with 4 health left.
Second game he drew only one light pillar, which I deflagged. It slowed him enough for me to win another close one.
kevkev 2 - majofa (Chaos Lord) 1
First game his mutants were an 11 attack shrieker and a nymph with devour which he buffed. I didn't have much quanta or CC, so I didn't stand a chance.
Second game his hand was really awful.
Third game his hand was moderately bad and his mutants were terrible. I had a good mix of quanta, creatures, and CC.
kevkev 2 - Essence (Scorpio) 0
First game Essence played two Ulitharids but never found
quanta. He froze my dragon but I ragepotted his pufferfish and deflagged his arsenic; just outdamaged him.
Second game Essence had an even worse draw. I never deflagged his arsenic but he had no CC or shields, so my golems overtook him.
kevkev 2 – kobisjeruk (Rainbow) 0
I had just enough quanta and CC both games.
First game his grav pulls are no good cuz he can’t keep creatures alive.
Second game he wisely left his grabby buried but I found two golems, a dragon, and the quanta to use them.
kevkev 2 – thedictator (Neptune) 0
Both games his opening hand had 3/4 floods.
First game I deflagged 3 pillars, which kept him off me till I could outcreature his CC.
Second game I deflagged two pillars and lanced his squid, and he couldn't find his CC.
kevkev 2 – thraexis (Ferox) 0
Both games he had trouble getting leaf dragons out, and it cost him.
First game I found a fire shield, a RoF, and a couple lances.
Second game I had no CC, but a good mix of quanta and creatures. I survived with 5 health.