I got an idea for an FFA (free for all) pvp event
the map-it is based on a map with hexagon shaped fields (six-sided, like the ones that will probably be used in world of elements, but this map is symmetrical (except for the terrains))
-Each player moves one or no hexagons each turn
-The mark the players use is equal to the color used on the map (so if theyre standing on a firered field, they use fire marks)
-white hexagons mean both players can use any mark they want
-each region is divided in 2 parts, the outer and the inner part, both parts have a different color, the outer color defines the regions element (for example, the fire region has rings of fire hexagons around a center of water hexagons)
-When multiple players land on the same hex, they fight
- when theyre 3 or more players on a single hex, the two players with the lowest amount of cards fight
-there are 6 'outer' regions (clockwise, starting up, water, life, air, fire, death, earth), every 'outer' region is connected with the two outer regions next to it (on the map, the connected hexagons are partly colored the region theyre connected with, zoom in for a better view)
this means every region has at least 4 sides to defend
- picture problem solved!
you will want to zoom in, at the bottom right is a minimap with all colors and corresponding elements, from up to down, from left to right
the players-players choose an element they wish to start with, they are only allowed to play with cards of this element (with the exception of pendulums/pillars, they can be used freely)
-when players get to the center to one of the other 11 regions (the 'other region' doesnt count, you can always use other cards), they may use the element of this region too. For example, a player started with fire, he walked to the center of the water region, now he can play with water cards too (so it is possible for one player to get to all 12 regions their center and then they can play with all cards they want).
-all cards are unupgraded, read the - down of this one for the exception
-when players get to the center hexagon of the other region (its mainly white and its in the middle) (unlike in the other regions, you actually have to get to a single hexagon), they are allowed to use 5 upgraded cards in their deck
-players start with 60 card decks, every time players lose, they lose cards, when their card counts comes below 30, theyre out of the tournament, everytime players win, they win a card (if their card count becomes more then 60, they use 60-card decks)
-when a player loses on a white hexagon (where players are allowed to pick their mark freely), they will lose and win double the amount of cards.
-players are free to change their decks at any time, however, they do need to stick to their elemental and card limits (a player with 45 cards left in the tournament, HAS to make a 45-card deck)
- players are free to forge alliances, however, only one can win, and when they land on the same hex, they will still have to fight
post has been editted
I wouldnt mind to host this event if it gets approved (do i really have to say this in the post?)