ignore everything I have said preiously, screw eternity and puly and lobo, all 3 of these are super common (shouldn't be called rare anymore) as there are at least 12 farms for each (some double up) as well as AI3/5/6
the rarest ones that I find are (in order, commonest to rarest) Morning star (I have a few)/Druid Staff(as rare as hens teeth)/Discord (annoying for the enemy and to earn >_<)/Vampire Dagger (only won 1 and it was from a FG spin so it was upgraded
)/Fahrenheit (only manage to get 1 freaking one)
all other are easier to come by, with the 3 I stated first I have at least 10 of each there are that many in circulations
So if I would say for one to get, Vampire Dagger and then fahrenheit