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Re: Which Rare Weapon Should I Pick as a Reward? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #24 on: March 16, 2010, 12:33:08 am »
Ooh. It got a lot cheaper and it does more damage, huh? Well, it's still not the best, but at least it's stronger. :)

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Re: Which Rare Weapon Should I Pick as a Reward? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #25 on: March 16, 2010, 12:35:21 am »
It's at least balanced now.

Re: Which Rare Weapon Should I Pick as a Reward? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #26 on: March 16, 2010, 09:35:06 am »
Heh, i would say that vampire dag is pretty awesome if it is buffed
2 quanta for 6!damage and 6!heal (if ur opponent got no shield)
Pulvy's destroy becomes more reasonable too :P
PS: eternity also got nerfed in trainer


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Re: Which Rare Weapon Should I Pick as a Reward? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2010, 02:14:40 pm »
I would suggest getting a rarer rare from the quest, because some are extreamly hard to get any other way, others are pretty easy. 

Trident -> water/earth... which elements do you use the least in your rainbow if it isn't water/earth?
(mine uses 6 earth quanta pulverisor + 2 enchants and 8 water purify + nymphs tears, that latter card only added because of my lack of using water, in a deck with 19 upgraded quanta pillars and 4 supernovas, I'm rarely short on these elements)
Eternity -> in my opinion the best card in the game.  It has so many different uses offensive and defensive and is greatly increased in power if you have a fallen druid/elf on the field.
Pulverisor -> is getting a nuke but is probably still going to be the 2nd best rare weapon.
Vampire dagger -> is getting stronger, it'll be as good as the druidic staff soon. 

For rarity, I've won many games T50, False Gods, pvp and AI3 and this is my current rare count: (I chose a fahrenheit as my quest reward all that time ago)
2x Discord
1x arsenic
3x titan
6x pulverisor
4x druidic staff
6x fahrenheit
0x trident :'(
7x morning star
8x owl's eye
9x eternity
5x vampire stelletto
4x electrocutor

Note: for rares that I have 6 of, I may have sold off any spares I had since you can't use more then 6 in any given deck. 
Note2: ever since a post in this thread I started collecting rares which I had more then 6 of again, so if I have 6 or more rares I may have sold a few of that one before that.
EDIT: updated rare count (it'd be nice for a few others to post thier rare count so we can get a better idea of rare's rareness

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Re: Which Rare Weapon Should I Pick as a Reward? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2010, 02:22:19 pm »
I would suggest getting a rarer rare from the quest, because some are extreamly hard to get any other way. 

Trident -> water/earth... which elements do you use the least in your rainbow if it isn't water/earth?
(mine uses 6 earth quanta pulverisor + 2 enchants and 8 water purify + nymphs tears, that latter card only added because of my lack of using water, in a deck with 19 upgraded quanta pillars and 4 supernovas, I'm rarely short on these elements)
Eternity -> in my opinion the best card in the game.  It has so many different uses offensive and defensive and is greatly increased in power if you have a fallen druid/elf on the field.
Pulverisor -> is getting a nuke but is probably still going to be the 2nd best rare weapon.
Vampire dagger -> is getting stronger, it'll be as good as the druidic staff soon. 

For rarity, I've won many games T50, False Gods, pvp and AI3 and this is my current rare count: (I chose a fahrenheit as my quest reward all that time ago)
2 Discord, 1 arsenic, 3 titan, 5 pulverisor, 3 druidic staff, 6 fahrenheit, 0 trident :'(, 5 morning star, 6 owl's eye, 6 eternity, 2 vampire stelletto, 2 electrocutor
Note: for rares that I have 6 of, I may have sold off any spares I had since you can't use more then 6 in any given deck.
Erm... I would've kept 12: 6 upped and 6 unupped.
Personal text by Cheesy
When I first started elements I was a noob. Now I'm a noob in only 11 parts of it. The unimportant ones.
Saying Elements cards are just pixels is like saying Dollars are just paper.


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Re: Which Rare Weapon Should I Pick as a Reward? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #29 on: March 18, 2010, 06:43:38 pm »
even if some are upped and others non-upped you can only have a max of 6 combined in one deck.  Furthermore, most of the rares don't have a tradeoff when upgraded.  (for example I keep more then 6 sundials).


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Re: Which Rare Weapon Should I Pick as a Reward? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #30 on: March 18, 2010, 07:26:58 pm »
I added a poll to this thread so we get a more community-wide opinion on these weapons.

Remember to vote for the best "first weapon", not the overall best weapon.

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Re: Which Rare Weapon Should I Pick as a Reward? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #31 on: March 18, 2010, 07:54:20 pm »
even if some are upped and others non-upped you can only have a max of 6 combined in one deck.  Furthermore, most of the rares don't have a tradeoff when upgraded.  (for example I keep more then 6 sundials).
You might want to have some weapons when you play in unupped tournies....
Personal text by Cheesy
When I first started elements I was a noob. Now I'm a noob in only 11 parts of it. The unimportant ones.
Saying Elements cards are just pixels is like saying Dollars are just paper.


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Re: Which Rare Weapon Should I Pick as a Reward? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #32 on: March 18, 2010, 08:25:34 pm »
You might want to have some weapons when you play in unupped tournies....
Ah that's what you're getting at... it just so happens that I'm rather new to the forums and haven't payed much attention to tournies, perhaps I'll collect a few, but for now I have no shortage of unupped cards.  (5 of my 6 eternities are unupped)

I added a poll to this thread so we get a more community-wide opinion on these weapons.

Remember to vote for the best "first weapon", not the overall best weapon.
Thanks, voted ^^


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Re: Which Rare Weapon Should I Pick as a Reward? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2010, 06:19:41 pm »
Hmm, I have some issues with my rares. It seems I have more pulverisers than any other weapon, and they're all from AI3 (apart from the one I chose for my weapon.) By contrast, I have 0 vampire stillettos, 0 discords, 1 owls eye. It seems I am a magnet for the rare ones (apart from Eternity)

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Re: Which Rare Weapon Should I Pick as a Reward? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2010, 08:27:18 pm »
I picked titan, because come on, momentum damage + black hole gives awesoome t50 farmer!!!!!!
which you will need to get other rare weps


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Re: Which Rare Weapon Should I Pick as a Reward? (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2010, 05:05:20 am »
I suggest the following:
Lobotomizer first as i support my idea of fast grinding (see Newbie tutorial how to become rich reply)
Eternity gives infinity, Owl's Eye kills creatures, Pulveriser obliterates permanents.
Most of them are included in a good Rainbow deck i guess, so it would be nce someone to get one depending on the current Element he has.
The rest, i guess, are theme deck weapons, yet very strong.
Most of all i dislike Vampire Stiletto.

