honestly i always liked drawing trident in my rainbow (when i still had it in there) midgame...because of the way elements is played (quanta stacks and stays), it is harder to get a lock midgame, but possible especially against rainbow and mono. a good idea would be trident + rewind for expensive creatures, this quickly drains quanta. not a real good combo, i know (3 color really sucks), but it can work wonders in a rainbow deck with other strategies. once i got this out vs. ai5 i'd win 9 out of 10 games easy.
and i agree that this should be made less subjective, maybe tailored more to what each weapon works good with. give some suggestions for uses of weapons, so a player can decide which weapon is best for them from what they think they'd like to do with their deck. combos are good to list as well, such as druidic + adrenaline.