1) Opens furball's tutorial and find a text wall. Please, format it to a less wally thingy.
2) Starts reading and find the "Images" spoilers. I would remove them all or just put the images instead of the deck images you have in first place.
3) small stuff: For
rush, nymph tears one is strictly better imho.
"A regular deck should probably have around 8 creatures. Any less and it's vulnerable to control." That's just not true, even in simple rushes and everything varies in the deck's style and archetype.The FFQ AI2 explanation has a broken link.
May continue later
1. I broke it into two paragraphs? I wanted to keep the intro at least.
2. I really want to hear more people's opinions on this. I put them there because I felt the wiki images had pictures, so they were easier to see.
3. True, but that would be my look ma no rares deck, and I wanted to refrain from using any well known decks as examples. Also, a pure creature rush is much more simpler than a deck that requires some thinking and creating, even if a nymph rush is better.
I said 8 because that's the average I found. As most decks rely on creatures for offense, for a balanced deck I'd advise 8. 6 and it's a bit too vulnerable to control. Of course, more creatures for rushier decks, and a poison deck could be made without any creatures at all, but 8 is a good ballpark estimate for most regular decks.
This structure really highlights the similarities between my tutorial and yours.
Though, to be honest, yours is better as a guide. Mine is better as a walkthrough.
Well this was written before yours so there's that.