hey everyone, now that I am done being mentored, I would just like you all to know that this is an amazing system. Props to 927(my former mentor

). it is an almost flawless system. I promise that if you are not sure whether you should go through with getting a mentor, you definitely should go with it. Go on chat for about an hour or so a day and chit chat with him or her. Now that can't be too hard. I had been playing elements for over a year before I tried out chat and the forums. I became hooked and I learned so much more. The community is a great group of people and you will feel welcome instantly. If you're worried about getting addicted to the game even more, unfortunately, you def will. You are thrown into many new ideas and options and you'll feel overwhelmed, but as the days go on it becomes easier and easier and soon you'll feel like a natural when you log on. People will know your name, and if your lucky, you may even become pretty damn popular. Good luck to all you noobs and godspeed.