Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Deck Ideas => Post Deck Ideas Here => Trio & Quartet => Topic started by: zombie0 on July 12, 2011, 06:32:28 am

Title: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on July 12, 2011, 06:32:28 am
by zombie0
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
77d 77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7ds 7ds 7ds 7th 8po
pics of unbeaten or really high ranked decks getting handed a loss.  enjoy!

faced essences 30-0 deck and won.  got excited about toppling other big names and unbeatable decks

here goes!



Faced Hodari for a 3rd time.  another epic win??   NOPE  lost with 3 HP, needed a conflag  ::)

PERVEPICS at the time unbeaten deck (i keep screenshotting the kill shot on top of the starting screen.  ill get the hang of it!)


Wow!  no way i can beat this impossibly handsome monster!  I surrender!   (lol my deck actually goes 40:60 with it, but im no idiot...pass)

SWEET, gonna get my third ring and spin!

uh oh


guess not... :(
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: iCall_uHobo on July 12, 2011, 01:54:39 pm
I think you should not make 5 posts in a row, edit the first one next time please.
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Wolfunit on July 12, 2011, 02:31:05 pm
Watch out Top5 scoring players, Zombie0 is out to take us all down. :P
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on July 12, 2011, 04:32:26 pm
I think you should not make 5 posts in a row, edit the first one next time please.
i would if it wouldnt randomly start making thumbnails out of the images.  just a casual thread giving some decks recognition besides the top one :)

-edit- thanks jmizzle for the cleanup

2nd edit, rank 5 snipe!  :)

Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Toge111 on July 12, 2011, 07:58:16 pm
What's the deck you're using?

Edit: Thanks!
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on July 13, 2011, 04:47:26 am
@toge111 this one.  emphasis is fast games.  takes 90-120 seconds per game.  not many EMs. 
Code: [Select]
5f2 5f2 77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7ds 7ds 80a 80a 80a 80a (deck has changed, check next spoiler)

-edit- a wild rank 3 appears.  well hello der!


alright, gotta kill this guy quick


shoot, needed cremation to win


Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Rember on July 13, 2011, 02:47:54 pm
Watch out Top5 scoring players, Zombie0 is out to take us all down. :P
Hide yo children, hide yo wives.
Maybe I'll see myself up here sometime. :P
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Essence on July 14, 2011, 01:23:56 am
Ha, a pillarless deck. I figured no one would try that against Platinum, that explains where my first loss came from. :D

Well done, zombie0. :)
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on July 14, 2011, 01:48:10 pm
OMG fortuna81 is rank 1 now?   should have won that!

ok, so i had this situation happen


ok, gravity pull on my big destroyer.  even if computer flies another weapon, should be at 1 or 2 life.  well played and GG


are you serious   >:(

RANK 2 rematch




(gained over 1000 from the win :) )

deck build update
Code: [Select]
74d 74d 74d 77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds
its incredible how good those gravity pulls are.  can kill anything below a flying titan in one turn.  really big step forward for the deck.  3 seems to work for now, may go 4 to test later

HI KIRCHJ33!  you dont seem to have a loss yet!




btw, seeing unupped toadfish a lot lately.  computer seems super derp at using its infection
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Essence on July 14, 2011, 05:47:27 pm
Ha, a pillarless deck. I figured no one would try that against Platinum, that explains where my first loss came from. :D

Well done, zombie0. :)
hehe nice :)  Immo rush?  I figured that would be where most of my losses came from

And thus, zombie0 proves what will come to be a rule of the Arena: find what everyone else is doing, and do the opposite. :)
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: parasite99 on July 14, 2011, 06:39:26 pm
Respect !!!

Great thread btw :)
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Hodari on July 14, 2011, 06:43:56 pm
And thus, zombie0 proves what will come to be a rule of the Arena: find what everyone else is doing, and do the opposite. :)
Yeah, been saying it all along..this is what will make Arena interesting. 
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on July 14, 2011, 07:08:42 pm
i appreciate the kind words

hopefully players enjoy the recognition of seeing their decks in action (albeit probably losing  ;) ).  hopefully this also encourages players to find a way for their deck style to work.

lastly, this is super fun to do.  this thread and sharing my successes (and hilarious failures) makes me happy.

-edit-  PLUTONIUM IS RANK 1 ??  challenge accepted!

also, Tiko...you deck needs to die in a fire, you cold hearted you-know-what
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: jmdt on July 14, 2011, 07:27:05 pm
You have a good thing going here.  You will have arrived after you beat me :D
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: gumbeh on July 14, 2011, 10:28:25 pm
Would take a poop-tonne of ups to copy your deck (don't have any upped gemfinders or cremations because they're used in 0 of my existing decks) so I'll just say great job! Envious and impressed...
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Marvaddin on July 15, 2011, 04:04:53 am
Wow, all those powerful decks losing to an skeleton?  :P

Impressive.  :o
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on July 15, 2011, 01:05:47 pm




playing against 10men's deck is like trying to canoe upstream.   with a busted paddle.

done for today.  every other deck is fire stall.  zzzzzzzzz

-edit-  i lied

good deck icecoldbro

Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Svenningen on July 15, 2011, 06:25:56 pm
This thread is great, quite entertaining, keep at it! Slay some giants!
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: pervepic on July 16, 2011, 08:15:11 am
Damn, my Nymphs didn't make enough gaz    :( 
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on July 16, 2011, 02:43:31 pm
i totally just noticed theres a leaderboard button below the "first place" for each league.  how long has that been there?   :-[


last game of the day, skipped the intro screen before i noticed


seriously, this guy been sending his kids through expensive electrum colleges farming my deck and everyone else (yeah, im a bit jelly of his lava rush).  so i think EVERYONE will enjoy this killshot


his deck major derped and i gravity binded his 2 golems he did play.  I DONT CARE!!   props on top 25 on just 3rd day of its life.  gonna be top 5 by day 5, calling it here
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: pervepic on July 16, 2011, 02:52:09 pm
i totally just noticed theres a leaderboard button below the "first place" for each league.  how long has that been there?   :-[
few hours?
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: dragonsdemesne on July 17, 2011, 06:04:58 am
I like this deck :)  I was trying to do something similar (but much slower!) with my "The Anti-Platinum Deck" but I think your deck would be better; certainly faster, anyway.  Have you considered switching two Thunderbolt out for two Shockwave, so that you don't need as many cremations to cast them, or do you find that you need the 5 damage from thunderbolt more?
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: fortuna81 on July 18, 2011, 01:28:52 am
This article is really interesting (I found my ID here,  :D).  Great work!
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on July 19, 2011, 12:08:25 am
i would consider this a worthy addition  :D


the leaderboard after the game     8)

Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: dragonsdemesne on July 19, 2011, 01:09:09 am
I was win #100 on that screenshot. I got hit with black hole spam; the only card I played the entire game was a quantum pillar :p
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Jaymanfu on July 19, 2011, 06:51:19 am
nice thread haha 5 stars go! keep em comin
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on July 19, 2011, 07:38:17 pm
hard to find unbeaten decks that dont slap my face off.  this game went well   :)


did not expect to win this.  more AI's terrible terrible fractal choice than anything i did (besides survive 3 rain of fires and fire lance spam)



another victim of too much speed and awesomeness


out of my way 19-1 deck!  time for my special slots spin!


awwww yeah  8)


TIKO  stop making decks that squeeze mine to death in frustrating ways   :(   >:(   cant win a single game against your decks, expect a screenshot if i ever do!

Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on July 21, 2011, 01:30:21 pm
more epicness!  loss #2 for the fractal phoenixes


another fine addition to the collection


name of your deck should be "silence!  i potionx you!"  (or "kanye's chargers")


what an ugly game, but in the end my deck was uglier!  fire stall stalled out!


-edit- sorry for the lack of content lately.  been testing different ideas and generally more stingy on what qualifies as worth mentioning

#4 deck at the time.  missed the opening screen =\   looks like :entropy deck got its spacebar button stuck, caught an easy win


so, i accidentally qued with some joke deck i slapped together.  complete fail...except against cremation dragon.  LOLOLOLOL (edit-this deck ends up rank 1...)(http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/4306/verkli3.png)


RANK 7 -  10MEN  (pay no attention to the smudged parts)

Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: ffun on July 29, 2011, 03:09:58 pm
RANK 7 -  10MEN  (pay no attention to the smudged parts)
Lol! :D

You'd want to smudge your Golem stats as well. After all, we all know that's a 202/196 lava golem you have there for the OTK. ;)

I love this thread - keep posting!
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on July 30, 2011, 03:09:52 pm
RANK 4     low hp, but i dont want to see what this 100 win deck does when it gets going.  score 1 for the rush deck :)


posted because fire stall deserves it


/FLEX  any deck with 20:1 win:loss is worth feeling good about beating




botched the kill shot picture.  got a god opening hand (gemfinder+2 immolation+3 lava+phoenix), pushed through TWO bone walls and barely barely won.  i rarely beat poison stall, totally worth posting!


another fine win :)   (jammed other deck with nightmare on destroyer so it wouldnt CC my last one, AI spammed creatures as i finished it off)


introducing the most boss lava destroyer to ever be summoned, couldnt have done it without ya buddy


testing out silence instead of nightmare.  excellent gemfinder immolation phoenix immolation double destroyer silence opening gave me a huge advantage

Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on August 04, 2011, 10:00:33 am
yikes, that image loading on 3rd page is brutal.  if anyone wants to reply every so often, itll help break up the pages

still looking for a good replacement to nightmare/silence card.  might be chaos power, not sure.  leave feedback on that if you like :)
by zombie0
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7ds 7ds 7ds 80k 8po

-edit-  the nightmare is solid.  just feeling a bit sore about getting pummeled by fire decks with it sitting in hand instead of helping (especially since fire decks tend to be the best ones to beat for this thread).  or maybe i dont want to accept that this is the best it can be, hoping that somehow it could be better.  im not so cocky to think its perfect without more effort and testing.  maybe needs a precog for a peek at opponent hand and slimmer deck?  not sure

overall thanks for the support and if spoilers would improve the thread, will do.

'2nd edit -  part of me feels that hiding the images defeats the point of the thread...they are what people should be looking at.  side discussion over deckbuilding and stuff shouldnt be the focus, it should be the really successful arena decks, the players that created them, and of course that i managed to beat them (or sometimes not).  just feels weird when a thread goes a week without a reply and its probably hard to tell if its been updated (since i modify unless someone bumps it)

3rd edit - nightmare is a very interesting card vs AI.  against a nightmare/ghost deck, computer will throw away ghosts instead of fire creatures it cant afford.  often, AI will not play gemfinders even if there is no good reason to keep them in hand that turn, but sometimes it will.  a very useful card, just not as powerful against decks that spam CC and slow my deck to a crawl.  extra tools to allow my damage to overcome their health pool is all good...assuming my destroyers survive.  tried heavy armor...it doesnt work.  i dont know why, it just never ever works.  nor does chaos power.
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Jaymanfu on August 04, 2011, 10:20:22 am
i can help with that :) goooo more!
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Jappert on August 04, 2011, 10:23:48 am
You should try and use spoilers more often, it reduces loading time by alot (I think...). People can still open them to see the large pictres if they want. To answer your question: I was a very big fan of the nightmare card in your deck. It stalls about as much as a silence (doesn't protect from CC, true) and even saved me in some matches. Filling up their hand with useless garbage is great, but it also prevents from drawing newcards for that turn. The addition of a nice heal and damage effect makes it even better. A deck like your makes perfect use of this by taking full advantage of the slower opponent, while it can use the extra damage  and heal very well.

Very nice topic btw, I always check it out when I see it has a new reply.
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Plantifant on August 04, 2011, 11:33:36 am
I haven't seen myself yet, I hope it's not gonna happen either  ???
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on August 04, 2011, 03:46:30 pm
classic  :life wolfunit (except for the SoGs, they used to be heal i think)
also observe that he chooses to not double draw.  giving us mere mortals a chance, he is


i KNEW i could take this guy down, just needed some luck (was 0-2 before this)
got a godly perfect opener (with a little help from oracle's 3/0 creature)  gemfinder immolate phoenix immolate destroyer destroyer destroyer.  only got one sniped (was going to CRY if he rain of fire off his immolate), rolled to such strong win!  probably would have been ok without the oracle creature but would have been way way closer (would have lost 6 attacking damage and probably 10 or 16 growth damage)


shameless self-promotion.  i predict my current arena deck will be top 10, maybe even 5.  can win in 4 turns consistently.  will probably add a few heals after day 6.  good luck! (currently 8-0)


-edit-  man, brutal day in the arenas today.  lots of high win decks that arent missing a beat.  besides a win vs rank 4 deck with 47 HP (which i sorta felt bad for so i didnt save the screenshots)...not much.  hopefully luck changes!

-edit again-  /cry  arena deck suffered a loss.  tried putting together a fire based rainbow to farm all the small creature decks...getting farmed by black hole spamming decks.  not a good day in arenas :(

all the way to rank 5 before a loss.  i salute you  (http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/589/iconsaluteq.gif)


i should win vs this deck.  get a huge advantage, then pandemonium kills my board.  cant beat down 190 HP fast enough.  several losses exactly the same.


i DID win against this deck  :D


i like showing how players are better than AI with superpowered decks, like this


almost made it to 20-0, sorry my friend.  its a tough job keeping you platinum decks from never losing, but someones got to do it  8)


called it!  gogo deck, make top 5!


close game.  did everything i could to keep the dragons off the table (saw 4-5 when i precog early).  feels good man :)


EDIT EDIT   WOW  thats some bogus glitch.  after i won that game (got a card from the regular spin), did the whole "not saved : go back to menu".  did that, connected and confirmed, but wouldnt load the arena info when i clicked back to it.  no problem, ill just reload page and sign on again...except my win somehow got turned into a loss?  that doesnt even make sense, unless its just lying to me and it never reported anything about the game and assumed i must have lost.  BOGUUUUUSSS

TOP 5  yay!   :D ;D


think ima turn it into a farm deck to thank everyone for graciously allowing my deck to achieve its dreams.  <3
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Wolfunit on August 11, 2011, 02:55:07 pm
Don't mess with the master of the frog army.  :P
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Van Cleef on August 15, 2011, 03:01:58 am
I hope you're not giving up on this, this is a pretty enjoyable read.  Here's a post to hoping we get some more updates!
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on August 15, 2011, 02:58:58 pm
WOOO   :) :)  4th page!


i never got a precog to snoop on his hand, but i imagine it looked somewhat like this (http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/2999/zse5.png)
anyone else notice it says spoiler for HIDEN?  who the heck is hiden??  (edit - upon further investigation via google, either our moderators REALLY like naruto, or this game is secretly an ambition of a company that designs and manufactures quadrupole mass spectrometers.  it all makes sense now...)
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Jappert on August 15, 2011, 03:55:57 pm
anyone else notice it says spoiler for HIDEN?  who the heck is hiden??  (edit - upon further investigation via google, either our moderators REALLY like naruto, or this game is secretly an ambition of a company that designs and manufactures quadrupole mass spectrometers.  it all makes sense now...)
Don't search google, search these forums!

Also I wonder if that was a raging angels deck, I love those decks and always wondered how they'd do. Combined with a few explosions ofc ;)
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Rember on August 15, 2011, 08:59:18 pm
His hand was most likely 7 explosions (maybe an angel or two) :P , nice gib.

P.S. Yeah, the hiden thing was spotted on the day these new forums launched but it's still around. Kind of an interesting feature now.  ::)
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on August 16, 2011, 02:04:50 am
yeah, but when else am i gonna get the chance to mention quadrupole mass spectrometers...twice!!   ;)

fed it lots of :light quantum when i foolishly wasted my explosion on a pendulum too early.  won anyways


cant get ANY better than this :)

(10 minutes later he started a new aether deck.  fun spoiler  :()

the three cards in his hand were explosions


black hole spam VS explosion/immolate/destroyer spam


Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Bruce Tucker on August 16, 2011, 04:01:36 pm
Can't get my screenies to work :/ but, when  i'm farming use a variation of that immo rush, but sub out all the phoenix and fb for 2 crimson drags and 4 rage exlixirs, i find that's its a little bit faster, but nightmare is a must, it totally owns.
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: poison venom on August 19, 2011, 01:07:43 am
zombie i take that my aether deck beat you, if so that's what u get for beatin me in 1turn  :))
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: parasite99 on August 19, 2011, 04:22:45 am
Good job zombie0 beating my deck!! And great thread btw, keep it up. (Finally my name came up here)  ;D

My deck lost a lot of games after the -64hp drop (went from 63-2 to 69-6) and I can't really find out if it was unlucky or the hp loss was such a big factor.
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on August 19, 2011, 06:56:51 am
a way to watch the last 5 games would be pretty cool.  replays are always popular (especially to pvp community)


Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Calindu on August 19, 2011, 07:15:36 am

When i reach in platinum,please,don't kill my poor deck. :D
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zse on August 19, 2011, 10:41:52 am
So it was YOU again that took down my little Rage Angels :'(
Well then, feel my wrath if you should meet my new super evil anti-Zombie0 :air deck (Wings) packed with loads of CC. :))
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Calindu on August 19, 2011, 11:02:14 am
So it was YOU again that took down my little Rage Angels :'(
Well then, feel my wrath if you should meet my new super evil anti-Zombie0 :air deck (Wings) packed with loads of CC. :))
In that case i will go with CP'ed wyrms  :))
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on August 19, 2011, 12:04:58 pm
So it was YOU again that took down my little Rage Angels :'(
Well then, feel my wrath if you should meet my new super evil anti-Zombie0 :air deck (Wings) packed with loads of CC. :))

retrollvirus       (credit to pikachufan2164 for the excellent name)


umm, im really really sorry.  your deck major derped.  cant really feel proud of my deck either, i immolated the oracle card to get going...so...basically just letting ya know what happened.  again, real sorry...


welcome back antagon.  you planning on becoming a regular  ;)


rank 3 with under 100 hp?   om nom nom   :))


been tracking some win/loss for the immo rush...not looking so good.  certain days are more likely for 1 point freebies, maybe i picked a bad one.  (20-42 so far, two 3 ring spins) looking like 25% atm (including a silly loss streak that defies reason).  its pretty hard to test for arenas now.  back during T50 you played real T50 decks on the trainer, not AI5 + 6 that dont use SoG or look anything like player submitted decks.  (-edit- i realize you can plug a deck into the ai6.  inferior way to test)
not personally hurting for :electrum, but making interesting submitted and farming decks must be insane for anyone casual.  gonna ride out at least 100 or 200 games while i brainstorm what else to play.   i think my next idea is a nymph rainbow where i antimatter, basilisk, rage, and vampire one of their creatures.  sounds good right?  getting  r i g h t  on that  ::)


rewind nightmare spam is so hard to deal with.  rough win :)


stupid topdeck ftl

WOOOOOOO  yes! YES!   been waiting a LONG time for this win   :D    7 card nightmare to completely counter your deck.  FEELS GOOD :D :D :D

Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Plantifant on August 22, 2011, 02:45:25 pm
So, zombie, I was against your deck, and i made it an 8-4 :-(
It has good control and healing.
Good job, man!
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Bootsza on August 22, 2011, 04:56:56 pm
Nice ;)

I wondered where that loss came from.  Thanks for the screenies!
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: aqwsz0 on August 29, 2011, 01:50:12 pm
cool :fire :fire :fire
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: dragonsdemesne on September 01, 2011, 07:15:57 pm
Oops, I forgot to switch the giantslayer deck to my FG slayer deck...

(http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/4283/lolkik.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/833/lolkik.jpg/)

Seism, with egg on his face...
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on September 02, 2011, 03:49:30 pm
what a brawl!  more content inc!


after the game

Epic win VS Ides Usher

cant find a best last card.  need something thats very powerful for 2 or less :rainbow.  dont need cc, dont need pc...need a threat that can win games.  everything else about the deck is solid.
(not a weapon or shield.  the :light one that cant be stolen is too weak and is not a threat.  all other permanents will be exploded/stolen, no thanks) 

by zombie0
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7dq 7ds 7ds 7ds 7th 8po

I BEAT HIM  I BEAT HIM!   AH HAHAHA!  DIE IN A FIRE  (no wait...he might like that...)  DIE IN A COLD FIRE!   :D :D :D

my golem survived 4 rain of fire spam.  thank you heavy armor!

good session.  tracking how this deck does with heavy armor as the last card, see how it compares win % and all that
WIN  8        LOSS  5         1PT EM    0         REG EM   1         THREERING     1       SPINWIN     0

strong win (after a weak loss earlier)  ::)

 8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)

posted because its Tiko, and because i won


WIN  22        LOSS  22         1PT EM     1      REG EM   4        THREERING     3      SPINWIN     1

perfect game.  super pressure and perfect response to every potential problem


WIN  35        LOSS  31         1PT EM     3      REG EM   5        THREERING     5      SPINWIN     3


WIN  41        LOSS  39         1PT EM     3      REG EM   5        THREERING     6      SPINWIN     4

stats @ 100 games.  very unlucky last bit, faced a heavy armor oty deck three times.  0/11 oty that keeps getting bigger is a slight problem for this deck.  still, 50% is 50%.  going to see how the next 100 goes.

WIN  50        LOSS  50         1PT EM     3      REG EM   5        THREERING     8      SPINWIN     6

-update - hehe.  deck isnt so lucky lately.  not sure if good streak or bad streak is more common

WIN  71        LOSS  96         1PT EM     3      REG EM   7        THREERING     8      SPINWIN     6

mvp of the game   heavy armor :)   AI wont rage pot a creature with 7+ defense


WIN  74        LOSS  97         1PT EM     3      REG EM   7        THREERING     9      SPINWIN     7

toppling a #2 :)  also helping my #5 rank deck :]


umm..."help" is a sorta broad term i guess  :-[


WIN  89        LOSS  113         1PT EM     4      REG EM   8        THREERING     10      SPINWIN     7   seems like deck is behaving itself again.  every deck goes through some loss streak for no reason, hang in there :)

WIN  100        LOSS  124         1PT EM     4      REG EM   8        THREERING     12      SPINWIN     9

added a few SoGs, suddenly rank 2!   ::)

was something like 110-130 when (for no reason but complete lack of foresight) i turned the computer off because it was raining and lightning.  didnt save the wordpad, so bleah.  basically, its decent and fast.  it reached 200 games, if you want a deck that rewards good decisions, reading the opponents deck, and knowing how to control the tempo...good deck!  definitely struggles against 200hp decks, no lie.  not all platinum is there yet, have fun till it happens :)
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Calindu on September 20, 2011, 10:10:22 am
I think we found a new firestall counter!
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on September 20, 2011, 12:34:25 pm
not a counter to firestall, just has a shot if played smoothly.  the heavy armor can put a destroyer out of the range of a rage pot, or absorb 2 early lances.  phoenixes soak up some CC that may allow a growth creature to survive.  fire stalls dont reach top 25 consistently without reason

please people, do not play this to counter firestall.  if you want to counter firestall, you need to i dunno.  were you actually expecting something here :P
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Calindu on September 20, 2011, 01:39:50 pm
not a counter to firestall, just has a shot if played smoothly.  the heavy armor can put a destroyer out of the range of a rage pot, or absorb 2 early lances.  phoenixes soak up some CC that may allow a growth creature to survive.  fire stalls dont reach top 25 consistently without reason

please people, do not play this to counter firestall.  if you want to counter firestall, you need to i dunno.  were you actually expecting something here :P
It was an joke, because you killed a lot of firestalls.
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on September 20, 2011, 06:06:15 pm
low hp, but rank 3 and 1111 :electrum gain.  sue me  :P


caught a break.  extremely good opening hand (gem+phoenix+immolate+immolate+ destroyer x 3).  5 turn win.  i know his deck is scary and fast, i expect nothing short of top25.  gain another few levels and this deck build cant be outrushed


thanks for all the destroyers!


are you feeling steamed, water deck?  hehe   ;D

Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: ralouf on September 21, 2011, 08:09:47 pm
The more i play, the more I like it. It has a very good win rate and can beat other fire rush if you get enough fire ball. Nightmare is just AWESOME, I wonder if we can add a second..

BTW : Pwned chaos lord in 9 turn when I missclicked on FG ^^
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on September 27, 2011, 12:56:16 am
probably the most embarrassing loss ever.  any epic facepalm gif would do, but i think picard does it best


i mean, comeon...he cant even play the time oracle creatures.  sad.

Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Plantifant on September 27, 2011, 01:04:46 pm
May be a bit late, but I see you beat my ghostmare deck :P
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Rember on September 27, 2011, 02:22:52 pm
May be a bit late, but I see you beat my ghostmare deck :P
Should have made it with only darkness quanta. ^^
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: Plantifant on September 27, 2011, 03:03:57 pm
May be a bit late, but I see you beat my ghostmare deck :P
Should have made it with only darkness quanta. ^^
Nah, don't think so, since I'm not really good making darkness decks  ;D
Title: Re: Zombie0's giant slaying thread!
Post by: zombie0 on October 02, 2011, 08:14:17 pm
thanks everyone!  no more updates, awfully tired of arena.  deck is as streamlined as its going to get and looks like immolate nerf will hurt it bad.  its so tight on quantum already  :\

if you dont want to ever read criticism of this game, do not click this spoiler.  ye be warned
balancing the game based on the current cardpool makes no sense because CCGs add content in the form of new cards (or at least rotate the available ones to encourage new deck building).  balancing the current cards would make sense if the game supported pvp tournaments and events in-game, and wasnt a slow, desyncing, buggy nightmare.  but...its not.  those features dont exist in-game, so we must assume its not for that reason.  balancing is based on what then?  having all the cards?  having no cards?  platinum?  bronze?  how can you possibly balance something that doesnt have an established endgame?  lets not even discuss nymph availability issues...

we dont get to see our submitted arena decks in action.  we dont get to even see who it faced, or what player is conquering the AI the best.  we have zero competition among players, its as if the FG Hermes is bragging to FG Ferox about how much better his deck is.  or one hole of a golf course bragging to another hole about how much higher par it is.   who cares?!?  golfers care about comparing to other golfers!! the easy or hardness of a putting green only matters in the context of how the golfers do, and we compare the players (because we care about the human competition, not faceless AI).

maybe im supposed to embrace the forum pvp.  the leagues and tourneys and events and whatnot.  i choose not to, it is inappropriate to need to go outside of a game to find ways to enjoy it.  i also largely resent the forum moderation.
thats pretty much it.  patiently awaiting events / tourneys supported in game.  until then...nom nom brains!  :))
blarg: zombie0