Warning: As the title has just stated, this deck is ridiculously bad and could/should probably be moved to the humour section; I just don't think it's the funniest thing ever.
Use this at your own risk - this deck has lost to AI0. Frequently.
I'm just posting it because people keep asking about it and I keep yammering on about it.
If anything, consider this the first task of the new deck helpers.
The Legendary Virus SouFflétal
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
52i 52i 52i 52i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 7nq 7nq 7nq 7nq 7nq 7nq 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i 8pu
Virus SouFflétal is the ancient art of summoning armies of giant, cubic-metre balls of viruses, and then slamming your opponent to death with them. Named by Espithel, who once ate an infected soufflé, baked by a chef who then taught him this skill (after he survived the infection). SouFflé then became his nickname for the freedom spell used to make the viruses sentient, and then he just added "tal" on the end for "fractal", the spell used to summon thousands of the buggers. Because, you know, that's what you normally do when you make a fractal deck; just add "tal" onto the end of whatever you're fractalling. Yes, we're fractalling SouFflé. Delicious, right?
Card by card analysis:
You know what these things do.
What? Still need an explanation? Fine.
These things alternate between summoning Spirit Ursaring Souls or Zombie Ursaring Souls and OP Ursaring Souls.
You use the Spirit Ursaring Souls to make your Viruses able to jump from opponent to opponent and fly through shields, your Zombie Ursaring Souls to summon the deadly viruses, and your OP Ursaring Souls to reverse reality and time to break the continuum and then transport viruses from a different period of when you used Virus SouFflétal back into the present.
This is a cubic metre ball of microbes, with as much power as a mountainous armagio or deadly artic squid. Use this to make your opponent cry.
Otherwise known as SouFlfé, Shard of Freedom allows your viruses to become sentient, allowing you to kill your opponent faster. Mainly because they want to run away from you because they hate you for enslaving them and puffing them up to ridiculous levels. Jerk.
This summons more viruses to throw at your enemy. Enjoy it.
How to play the deck:
Typical fractal affair.
Use viruses and spam them like mad. Six Fractals because you want as many viruses as possible. Be sure to keep a virus in hand if your opponent has entropy, fire or air quanta, so you can fractal like mad again in the face of mass CC.
SouFflé is actually a lot more important than you would think, because that's how this deck actually deals damage.
This deck actually requires a lot of skill to play, because, done right, it is a really stalling deck. But it stalls both of you down, and you more. Hard to kill, Harder to kill with, in a way.
*Deep breath* Okay, now that I've gotten that out of the way, can I stop talking about this now?
... Just give a day and it'll be back.