assuming at the deck at 30 cards mean that ur a speed deck, so what are the sundials doing here?
dive+parrallel is still a better option, but thats a good try to make a good deck
At the moment, they are primarily for draw power early game; and occasionally for stall. If I can use them to get a few extra quanta in the first two/three turns, I can have something well setup by turn 4.
If Im not mistaken, u only have 3 of those which is pretty unstable. Most would prefer more reliability for more card draws
How exactly is it unstable? I usually draw at least 1 in my opening hand (there's a 1 in 3 chance when you draw your first card). The only issue I have is the timer shield, but thats not usually an issue.
You're confusing 1 in 3 with 1 in 10. On your first card, you have a 10% chance of drawing it. Overall, you have *about* (I don't feel like going through the math) a 7/30 chance of drawing a single sundial in your hand, which is about 23.33%. Since you have 3 chances at this percent, you *should* draw a sundial in your hand about 70% of the time.
(Correct me if my math is wrong

Overall, I like the deck.