I tried this deck out a bit against FGs and plat arena, and it does pretty good when it works. It's more vulnerable than instosis to bad draws, though, since it has no defense, while instosis has sundials. I suspect that the win/loss ratio against FGs will turn out to be lower, but that will be partially offset by the fact that games take less time with this deck. (although instosis isn't slow, either)
I haven't tried this deck in pvp yet, but I did have one of my league opponents use it against me recently. I ended up beating it because this deck doesn't have any sort of removal or control; it's all rush. Thus, cards like sundial or shard of sacrifice are very difficult to deal with, both of which I had in my deck that match. (and two cards that zero of the FGs have in their decks) Instosis has a bit more flexibility in that it can deal 200 damage in one turn, whereas this deck cannot OTK FGs, which means FGs like Gemini won't ever play phase shield, and FGs that are reliant on feral bonds or miracles to heal will have those cards be useless against instosis. This deck probably still has a decent chance against feral bond FGs, but I suspect that ones with miracle, or Gemini with phase shields, would be really hard to beat. Like I say, I didn't play too many games vs FGs, but from what I remember, I beat Incarnate and Morte, and was 1-1 vs Octane.
In some ways, this deck actually reminds me a lot more of those pharaoh-SoR spam decks when played, rather than instosis, since instosis is designed to be an OTK, whereas pharaohSoR and this deck are designed to start dropping creatures and breeding them ASAP.