744 744 744 744 744 74e 74e 74e 74e 74e 74e 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 808 808 808 808 808 808 80i 80i 80i 80i
simple enough strategy fractal the firemasters, and grow them, there 6 health makes them quite big and not that easily taken down
cremations on phoenix for extra production of fire quanta, the phoenixes are also fractal targets if desired
To be honest, I wouldn't use this deck, because:
1) It's not very fast.
2) I could make a better deck without so much
3) Fractaling firemasters and growing them? Seriously? You're better off with fractaling Giant Frogs.
I like the complexity and creativeness of this, though. Good job, for the most part. Feel free to PVP me with that deck if you want to prove me wrong about the "Not very fast" part.