Just wanted to toss my word in.
So, BMB has the highest win rate of anything I tested or built for this idea. However, there are other strong varients. Because BMB is heavy on upped shards. Here is a high win rate version unupped version of the idea for other people that's in my collection:
The original poster's is also a highly successful build, a similiar one that can be used for FG farming. Mine was (-1 Ars - 1 Sopa + 2 Towers) I concluded it had a solid win rate but no where near BMB and since it used upped shards, you might as well got for BMB in the end.
Regardless, it's a good build and BMB requires a little thinking, and this one doesn't so if it fits your play style great!
Also photon sucks for this it fights the SOPA, if you can play all three at the same time. Balls makes more sense. Plus against the right FGs, you can build out balls without worry, and they start out with 4 more damage, that can be a big deal.
And a ROL + Hope Variants are best with fractal anyways. So if you are SoPa building those here is a way:
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/deck-compilations/keep%27s-%27the-brave%27-series-also-%27the-not-so-brave%27-%28fg%29%28arena%29%28epic%29/msg1075589/#msg1075589Look for The Brave Old Times That Could