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7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tb 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 80k 80k 80k 80k 80k 80k 8pu
This is a pretty fun deck that I've tested in the trainer. Out of 50 AI 3 games, it won 47, and 15 of them were EMs. The three losses were because I just couldn't draw more than one dagger. Start the silence chain when you're about to fly one dagger, and the deck does the rest. This is my first deck posted, so please provide feedback.
Possible additions:
- Eclipse; I tried, but I either couldn't get the quanta, or I didn't draw the daggers.
- Dusk; untested, I might give it a go
- Phase Shield; untested, but I fear that the quanta generation would be too stressed.
Things to fix:
- Quanta generation; I'm not too sure about how to balance quanta, but what I have so far seems to work. However, I often find myself too short on quanta at the start of the game. The silences are supposed to come in only when you can fly a dagger, so I opted to not put aether towers in. Adding them might stabilize the deck, but I'm not sure how to do that :/
- very quanta cheap. The most that you'll ever spend is 30 quanta, so it can do pretty well against denial decks that don't come out fast enough.
- sustain is always nice, especially when it's combined with stalling _and_ doing damage.
- relatively fast. You can usually get two daggers and start the chain on the field by turn 3 or 4.
- most creature/weapon based CC and PC will get to you (eagle's eye, BE, maxwell's demon etc.) and shut the deck down.
- with a bad draw opening hand/silence dispersement, you're practically guaranteed a loss.
- you just spent 45k electrum on a deck made by an amateur

This deck could work semi-unupped (animate weapon would obviously not work in this deck unupped), but if you have 6 vampire daggers laying around, you should have the time to grind out for this deck (not that I recommend doing so

As I've said, I appreciate any and all feedback! Enjoy!

Edit: thank you willng3 for moving this to trio/quartet. I completely forgot that Animate Weapon is an air card!