While having an Emerald Tower to generate a Green Nymph does increase survivability when the False God is spamming small creatures (Elite Skeletons, Rays of Light, unblessed Deja Vu, Brimstone Eater, Gnome Gemfinder, Leaf Dragon, and Physalia come to mind), one of the biggest reasons for early losses is when they play a few particularly annoying creatures (Elite Queen, Fallen Druid, Vulture, Elite Otyugh, creatures with Growth or Ablaze) too quickly and there's no way to deal with them.
(Note that the Adrenaline addition to the combo only really works on Vampires, as they don't need to be poisoned with Liquid Shadow first. Adrenaline + Poison = Dead creature more often than not.)
Hence, I'm testing a variant which has -1 Antimatter, +1 Obsidian Tower, +2 Liquid Shadow, +1 Mirror Shield.
The extra Obsidian Tower makes it slightly easier to accumulate Darkness quanta for more efficient and earlier applications of Liquid Shadow, while the Liquid Shadows in card form are primarily used to take out creatures with threatening abilities early on when I don't have at least two Obsidian Towers, a Nymph's Tear, and a Quintessence (if required) all ready to go. The Mirror Shield is there for some cheap damage blocking -- at 2

, it's an absolute steal that reflects spell damage and comes protected.
As Jangoo hinted earlier on in the thread, the deck needs to take advantage of the power of Darkness a bit more. I'm also considering using 9 Amethyst Towers and 4 Obsidian Towers instead for even easier usage of Liquid Shadow and Black Nymph -- but stats for my variants will have to come later, as I've yet to finish upgrading all of my Amethyst Towers.