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Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2630.msg23098#msg23098
« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2010, 04:52:03 pm »
I tried your Nymphomania deck in the trainer and I must say:

 Good job!

It may by far not be as effective as a classic rainbow but at least its a nice variety to the same old - same old.

Also, I love the fact that if you do win, its going to be an automatic EM-win.  :D
yeah, ok.. that's what i expected.. 20% IS quite low, but the games look like they are fun!


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Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2630.msg23215#msg23215
« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2010, 10:12:50 pm »
yeah, ok.. that's what i expected.. 20% IS quite low, but the games look like they are fun!
After spending a few days in the trainer testing the deck, I can say it IS a whole lot of fun! It certainly feels like it has a lower ratio, but the gods you CAN kill, you pretty much always do. Plus, and sorry for repeating myself, it's an extremely fun deck to play :)


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Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2630.msg23247#msg23247
« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2010, 11:06:59 pm »
After spending a few days in the trainer testing the deck, I can say it IS a whole lot of fun! It certainly feels like it has a lower ratio, but the gods you CAN kill, you pretty much always do. Plus, and sorry for repeating myself, it's an extremely fun deck to play :)
The deck is a blast, and performs very well against some FGs (Gemini, Graviton), and is completely useless versus others (DivineGlory, DarkMatter).
I enjoy it much more than rainbows, and since i'm viewing success as time invested versus cards won, I don't care about insta-quitting versus the long shots.
I still think there is room for improvement, and will post any additional ideas/suggestions as I come up with them.

Right now, the weakest facet of the deck (not including DivineGlory) is early permanent and quanta control.
Explosions, steals, quicksands, pulverizers, and black holes kill me more than everything else combined.
I'm still working out a way to mitigate some of the problem, but nothing that ends up playing well yet.

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Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2630.msg24822#msg24822
« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2010, 04:30:16 pm »
Good news, I bought the deck ingame and found the well known (and more than obvious) cure for the feral bond problem:

FireQueen, Ferox and possibly Elidnis are playable with this deck when simply adding a Pulverizer.  :D

Do not make use of your Puly against Rainbow and Chaoslord! ... it will just get stolen and used against your single Obsi-Towers and such.

Against some of the other gods it actually does provide some nice backup as usual:

- Incarnate + Morte: Kill off Arsenics and Graveyards to avoid nasty swarms of 2/2 Skellis caused by Retroviruses and reduce poison.

- Miracle: Kill off green Towers early game to control output of fireflys and not get overpowered.

- Obliterator (+Seism): First-strike his hopefully unprotected Pulvy/Diamnond shield before he obliterates your Tower-fleet.

- Destiny: Shut down hourglasses to paralize him and speed up the game a bit. Killing Eternity could limit rewinding of debuffed critters. (he did that to me in the trainer, didn't see it in v.1.19 yet)

- Gemini: Few early aether-towers mean no uncontrollable mass-PUing later. Early Pulvy guarantees not having to wait for Quints since Electrocutor will have to take a leave. Leave the grav-towers intact because the drags are needed as debuff-targets.

- Graviton: Hell of a fight. Play Pulvy either when Titan comes out or very early to simply divert one explosion away from your towers.

- Hermes: Hell of a fight but if you do survive, Fireshield and Fahrenheit have got to say bye-bye. Likewise to Graviton, the Pulvy will give you one more tower by being cannonfodder mostly.

- Scorpio: Hell of a fight. Permafrost and aether towers early would be the target I guess.


Next, I will be trying the shield ideas suggested by some people in this thread.

As for the weapon, I think it is absolutely no question at all which one to use.
Some 8dmg through Morning glory might be nice and all
but adding 3 gods to the "playable" list can't be weighed in gold.

Pulvy or nothing it is imho.



I was just about to insta-quit again when I thought "Aah what the heck. Let's see where this is going."
Guess you didn't see that one coming with all your fancy schmancy Miracles ...

I really got lucky though, being able to antimatter all his Shriekers before burrowing.
Also, I drew all of my three Obsi-Towers early and could collect some 20 dark quants with two of them before Rainbow had them all stolen and exploded.
I then sat it out with the shriekers and werewolfs healing and waited to AM and LS his big-hitting Spectres in one move.

In another match I won against Graviton, I also drew the Obsi-Pillars early and no Purple ones.
Not knowing what else to do I played the Obsi-nypmh first and LSed every single one of his outcoming Fireeaters before they could even build up 4 dmg.
I won the match through Chargers and Armagios ;-)

Maybe considering to increase the role of Darkness in this deck isn't such a bad idea after all.
Against Chaos-Lord for example, LSing his Druid early also payed off: No more mutating of AMed critters ...

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Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2630.msg25271#msg25271
« Reply #40 on: February 11, 2010, 10:16:52 pm »

After a couple more rounds I am really surprised how well this deck actually works against the "harder" gods, Rainbow and Graviton above all!
My win-rate against Rainbow is up to like 50% with this ... Never would have though to actually be happy about this match-up. ;-)

I didn't take any stats but overall it sure does seem like quite a luxury to play the FGs with it and you will have to rely on card-wins to actually profit:

Loosing like 3/4 matches straight away due to totally bad draws, insta-quitting Scorpio, DG and Elidnis (there really is no point), loosing bad often even if the draw was good due to just being too slow and having no stall at all ...

However, I would kind of inverse the list of "hard" and "easy" gods as we know it with this deck:

Actually beat Darkmatter twice (50%), Rainbow numerous times (~50%) and Graviton way more often than I am used to.
On the contrary, FQ and ChaosLord -so "easy" gods- indeed are a real pain. Paradox can be tedious and you'll need to do the math towards the end to avoid Miracle.

Loosing constantly may seem to be the major drawback but really if you lose you will know it very quickly and if you win you mostly have a good feeling about it from the start too ... so the time-win-investment ratio is actually pretty good.

Overall, I am really content to have another option for FG-farming that is actually fun to use.  :D


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Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2630.msg25356#msg25356
« Reply #41 on: February 12, 2010, 01:21:04 am »
I'm in agreement with Jangoo on the Pulverizer. Question is should there be 1 or 2?

I played around with the original deck for the past couple weeks, and came up with this version instead, using water mark and the anti-matter spell. The new deck is actually more fluid with pure amethyst towers and mark of water, less unpredictable. Likewise, the anti-matter spell works wonders in stalling the game long enough to set-up the nymphs. I experimented with sundials but they were pretty weak in comparison. At any rate, this version seems to deliver a more consistent win rate. I think it'll work even better with the pulverizer. I'll see about posting up the stats after some more field testing.

Mark is water

These are the stats without the pulverizer (using a 4th anti-matter in its place):

Ignored all games against: Seism, Hermes, Dark Matter, Elidnis, Scorpio, Divine Glory, Fire Queen, and Ferox.

Graviton 5/1 (3 masteries)
Miracle 13/0 (12 masteries)
Chaos Lord 3/1 (3 masteries)
Gemini 4/0 (3 masteries)
Morte: never came up.
Paradox 6/0 (5 masteries)
Destiny 5/1 (5 masteries)
Rainbow 1/3 (1 mastery)
Obliterator 4/0 (4 masteries)
Incarnate: 2/0 (2 masteries)

43 wins/6 losses - 27 cards won

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Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2630.msg25391#msg25391
« Reply #42 on: February 12, 2010, 03:55:16 am »

Rainingblood, seriously ... this is the breakthrough in FG-farming everybody has been talking about.

I just made a couple games with this deck (-2 Am.Towers +2 Qu.Towers) and it is instant awesomeness!

It feels much more stable as you put it. Actually not having to draw two kinds of Towers makes this much easier and not having to handle the entropy quantums carefully like with the other deck is also great here. Direct Antimatter infusion for this deck is just genious Rainingblood!
Exactly the kind of cure this deck badly needed for not having any stalling and going down against the god-rush all the time.
Hell, I cant even picture a bad draw really: If you dont draw an Antimatter, you will probably at least have a supernova or two, reducing the waiting time for tear-cast from 7 turns to 3 or 5.

Will only have to see if 4 tears are enough ... tried this with the original deck and while it certainly blows not really needing more than 2, I would often be left standing without one (such as quint).

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Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2630.msg25399#msg25399
« Reply #43 on: February 12, 2010, 07:15:38 am »
Rainingblood, seriously ... this is the breakthrough in FG-farming everybody has been talking about.
Well, if you ignore serveral gods it's always easy to get a "breakthrough". But nevertheless if you quit instantly against those gods it may be good for speed-farming. How long does an average game need?

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Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2630.msg25435#msg25435
« Reply #44 on: February 12, 2010, 01:30:18 pm »

Thats's just the thing: With a Pulvy you dont have to ignore any of them except Glory.

With a traditional god-farmer, for me, there are about 3 gods on the ignore list recently, against which you COULD still win if you got lucky:
Rainbow, DivineGlory and DarkMatter.

On the "extremely hard but I will give it a try"- list are:
Scorpio, Hermes and Graviton and Seism.

The rest of them is actually kind of "doable".

With this "new school" god-farmer it isn't much different, except the gods have changed a bit:

Ignore: DivineGlory, Scorpio and Elidnis (I guess).
Extremely hard: FQ, Graviton, Hermes, DarkMatter (possibly, actually beat him more often than not)
"doable": the rest of them

As for "speed-farming", that is exactly what I think makes this deck.
You will know very fast whether you can make it or not, whereas with the traditional godfarmer you will mostly sit through a series of sundials and shields just to not draw that RoF (or whatever) after all. Traditional decks reach their breakpoint in mid-game, this deck reaches it in the early game.

Also, a single game is a bit shorter with this indeed: You will always only have two critters on your side, maybe three at times. The clicking you are doing is severely reduced and the performance doesn't go down the drain due to your vast skelli army.
As with the traditional deck, you will have to sit through almost your entire deck mostly to win the game though.


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Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2630.msg25458#msg25458
« Reply #45 on: February 12, 2010, 03:31:00 pm »

Will this work unupped?

Starting from an unupped version, which cards would be considered critical and should be upgradded first?


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Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2630.msg25460#msg25460
« Reply #46 on: February 12, 2010, 03:37:55 pm »
Got this deck upped and was massacred by Morte. Is it a good idea to add a SoG or two to this deck?


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Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2630.msg25461#msg25461
« Reply #47 on: February 12, 2010, 03:42:11 pm »
In fact, what about replacing all the imp. antimatters with SoG's?

