Having good luck so far with this variation:

Mark of
ENTROPYI played with a lot of weapons (all of them actually), but it seems they were destroyed (or worse, stolen) more often than they actually helped me.
I ended up with the Morning Glory, it does tons of damage and can't be messed with.
Same for the non-upped Emerald Shield - got tired of several FGs fire/ice/lightning bolting me. It likewise can't be stolen or exploded, and the -1 dmg is just frosting.
Both the weapon and the shield are easy casts, don't overlap any quanta, and become available early-mid game.
I played with the sundial suggestion, but never really saw the benefit. I tried 6, then 5, then 2, then none. I also tried upped and non-upped versions, but in the end, they just used up too much space for relatively low return. They were only useful very early-game, as once you have your combo working, you don't
want to pause attacks. Thus, I was left with 'dead cards'.
I added the 2 SoGs and have been very pleased thus far. They're cheap, they prolong your weak build-up stage, they counter Morte/Scorpio to an extent, and they're always useful.
I'll also defend the QTs in the deck - they're so much fun end-game to use a Tears on, and hope like hell you see a Wind or Death Nymph. My favorite is the Wind by far, cranking out Unstable Gas every turn is absolutely wonderful. Otherwise, using a Death Nymph for Alfatoxin is also very VERY handy, especially when you have the Emerald Shield up.