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52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52k 52k 52k 52m 52m 52n 52n 52n 52r 52r 52s 52s 52s 52s 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55r 55r 55r 55r 55r 55r 55s 55v 5c6 7am 8pn
Well then that was odd. What is this idiot
thinking?? I'll tell you what, slightly offensive hypothetical question asker! This deck is based around the fact that when you play otyughs, the enemy stops playing creatures. That's a good thing you say, mister hypothetical? No it is not. Why? Because you deck out. Now go back into your cage, I'll feed you next friday or something.
But as I was saying, I got tired of people not posting food for my hungry hungry otyughs. And then I thought I'd just feed him malignant cells. So I combines planet and death together to make this beauty. Aflotoxin yourself, eat the cells, a few boneyards, and the bonewall gets huge. The bonds are in there to help with mastery, and to help you stay alive until the combo gets working.
No one sees it coming. This is really good because you need a lot of death quantums to make this work.
It's an unstoppable combo. A otyugh bonewall malignant cell combo in motion stays in motion.
The growth is unstoppable, from the vultures and the otyugh.
You can use the aflatoxin to kill enemy creatures, and then eat up the cells.
Amazing creature control.
Unbeatable shield.
Great healing.
Quantum stealing. It makes me sad.
People killing your otyughs.
Filling your own field with malignant cells on accident. (As long as you have an otyugh out, you can eat your way to safety)
Fast decks.
Poor draws.
Hmmm, doesn't seem like this deck would work Gl1tch, why would I, Mr. Hypothetical man, want to make it? I'll show you why!
(The previous images were against level 5s)
This deck will beat Level 3s every time, so long as they don't get a bigger otyugh than you. It can beat level 5s about 45% of the time, which I know sounds bad, but note this is entirely unupgraded, except for the entirely optional minibranch to life. Plus, the money made from the mastery means grinding level 5s is profitable, and you can spin rares. It's a really fun deck, and it has a lot of the qualities I like in a deck (heals, swarming, and a "bat shit crazy" turn that changes the entire course of the game). An excellent deck to build on that rainy day.