Regarding this deck
I was wondering how long before a seraph can be out? is it possible that we just take the 4 pendulums away and put fire tower or so since you said that 1 round 1 ROL is out, that should be enough before you put divine shield and SoW it. BTW, there's 1 good thing about seraph, should jade shield or similar appear, cast divine shield again, that will remove the SoW effect.
I'll probably take out 2 SoW too
1 Vs 2 (since skills are involved) i guess by placing the decks Vs each other is better than using them against AI3. TTW=5
Since the second deck got 2 EMs, i was thinking probably the chances of being screwed can be lowered with the second option
Just did 10 little games vs. Ai3, 5 w/ my old version, 5 with your new version.
Old: Game 1: 7 Turn win, Seraph died, won w/ 99 hp. No SoW's
Game 2: 6 Turn win
Game 3: 7 Turn win, didn't have a cremation in opening hand
Game 4: 7 Turn win, no cremation or RoL in opening hand
Game 5: 7 Turn win, despite having a seraph grav pulled, and having to hit through an armagio.
New: Game 1: 6 turn win, Fail draw, and hand to discard. Stabilized quickly
Game 2: 10 turn win, another fail-draw maybe would have lost against a rushier Ai3 (I faced pharoah one)
Game 3: 5 turn win, first turn seraph
Game 4: 5 Turn win, 3 seraphs in 4 turns?
Game 5: 7 Turn win, had to discard.
Old TTW = 6.8
New TTW = 6.6
Notes: I wasn't straight up rushing, for example, I wouldn't just load a bunch of SoW on a seraph, I would play one a turn, making sure it kept the spell damage and immortallity. Neuro's deck has a chance for a first turn seraph, which didn't really improve the speed a lot, but is very nice for protecting. I'm probably just unlucky, but I had 3 fail draws in neuros version, and two great draws. My old deck had 2 fail draws. However, with this being only 5 games each, its very poor statistically. Because the games are over fast, I think it's ok to leave out the light pends, Neuro's version is better, although I did run out of light quanta in a game, but its not that big of a deal if your opponent isn't rushing (you can usually keep one of them protected).