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Of course this is a stall deck so if you feel more comfortable with larger decks for stalling then put in 1 more tower, 1 more divinity, and 1 more improved miracle. Stacking your hand then playing bravery is a good trick too.
I love this deck. But do plz stick around for the how to play, its not as simple as it looks.
How to play:
Use shards of divinity and improved healing to get your opponents damage well over 20 a turn, this should be no problem and shouldn't need any help from bravery. Maybe hold a bone tower until 2 turns before you need to sosac so your opponent doesn't hold damage expecting sosac. (Note, try to save 1 improved heal and 1 improved miracle if your getting all the fire and death cards for em. This is the part where it could be a stretch, but if you want to ensure higher win rate, don't do this and let it all out.) Some self judgement required between the opponents damage and your HP by the end of the turns if you should just play a miracle or improved heal.
Once you get a feel for that you should be golden. Do note that its better late game if you hold the miracle, but do what you need to do. If your not drawing braveries till late, don't sweat it. Hold 2 braveries and spam like hell in the last ending of the turns to get the most out of the braveries, this way also has highest increase draw chance to draw the remaining braveries. Watch out for your opponents cards left and slots available though. I usually end the game with chained sosacs because I'm lazy so I can hold the spacebar down, obviously not the best route to take. Ending with sosacs also helps for em chances too, at that point go ahead and use up that 1 miracle 1 heal, it wont matter anyway if you already have the sosacs until your opponent decks out, but I would hold the miracle in case of a bad timed purify.