Deck Helper comment: This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now. Use at your own risk.
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6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 7ap 7ap 7gl 7gl 7h1 7hi 7hi 7hi 7hi 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 8pj
Odd? Definitely.
Good? Depends on the match.
Original? A bit, I guess. It uses the underused SoP.
So, I reckon I should say how the idea was born. Well, I saw some Malignant SoP decks but never really bothered to use them. But then I thought, "What if Malignant Cells are affected by the SoP inundation +4 effect?" But of course it failed and the deck made me lose to AI0. Yeah, way to go.
So I was like, I want rainbooowz. I want SoP rainbowz. I had tested the idea, but generally, it failed because of rushes and stuff. I finally found this variant after
a lot of thinking. It's not anything "OH MY GOD THIS IS BEAUTIFUL" but it can sure hold it's own.
"Why don't you add Water Towerzzz???" Because SNova is good enough at what it does and I'm lazy to find the correct balance to add it.
"Dm, Y u UPPED DIAL?" Electrum Hourglass. Mulligan? Never heard of it.
"Dm, Y u dial at all?" Because it helps against PC-less rushes.
"CC. This deck fails." You don't say. Actually, against Plague or any of the kind the deck can hold it's own by packing in a few SoP's at your current Physalia (2 SoP's or so should do it) if you want. 6 HP's is above the 5 CC gauge. RT.. well, whatever. I am thinking about adding a quint, but I'm lazy to do it for now. Plus I dunno what to take out for it. I don't just want to add a Quint and leave it at 31 cards, no sir.
"2 Physalias and 1 Inundation totally fails the chance of getting this long combo out." Noted and taken into account, Sundials will serve to draw cards and the Hourglass never failed to draw me a bit. Some of the times I nearly decked out because of all the drawing. Same with 2 mitosis. This just means you gotta be careful with the drawing and make sure you start Stasis'ing yourself one by one without drawing cards to get at least the number of Physalias needed for the Inundation mark.
"Chimera will cut the waiting effects, add one now." Read what I said about quint. I don't exactly know what to take out for it.
"Why don't you take out two SuperNova's and add 1 quint and 1 chimera?" Because I didn't think about it until I was doing this random Q&A. Thanks, brain.
"Last question, I'll kill my opponent before I get the combo sometimes, what do I do?!" You chain the dials accordingly and don't attack until you get your combo out, if you want. You can get a pretty nice amount of damage with the deck, though it's nothing amazing. (Though I have reached the point of getting to deal ~160 damage at a silver guy at once. Glad he had no CC. Yay for OTK.)
So.. Yeah. Comments? Improvements? Duo Version? Likes? Dislikes? Anything at all?
(Time, Water, Life, Entropy. Quartet for now. Sure, with quint and chimera it's a Rainbow. SoPbow. Weee.)