Sorry if the deck name wasn't fancy enough, suggestions help.
Edit: suggestions for names
1. Fantastic Fractaled Firemasters (frequently for fuel)
2. Taking one for the team
3. One death fuels an army
If you cremate a firemaster, you get 1 gravity quantum, which pays for the graviton firemaster that you are about to summon. You also get 1 aether quanta to help your fractals and 9 fire quanta, which let you gain 18 attack. Plus you have all the firemasters you can ever use. Plus they have 6 hp, which protects them from lightning bolt, other types of bolts, shockwave, one snipe, 5 turns of poison and all otys that haven't eaten anything from their own side as well as RoFs and thunderstorms.
1. if the ai you are fighting has expected creature control, wait until they use it, then cremate that creature.)
2. if shields are expected heap all attack on a few creatures.
3. if creature control is expected spread attack evenly throughout.
4. graviton firemasters with full attack shouldn't be cremated, save some firemasters with 0 attack for this purpose.
5. remember that you can cremate a firemaster just so that you can get a final firemaster out of your hand before you fractal, or to save from deleting.
Any help with pilllar/creature amounts would be great.
I thought it was a fun deck to play.
Only bad part is the lack of firequanta sometimes. And that fact that the maximum damage output is 108 with 6 cremates out as well as no shields.
Could upped fireflies make this deck better (cost 1 or 2 and make fire quanta paid for by cremates possibly?)I wanted the deck to not be slowed down by three types of pillars, needs more than 6 cremates to run smoothly thought. :-(
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