I don't think the staff is really a good idea, since the empathetic bonds should do all the healing your heart desires. That 5 heal per turn will very rarely save you if the bonds aren't going to (i.e.: if you're late setting up and are getting beaten down)
I'd take owl/eagle's eyes instead of all those shockwaves. It's like shockwave on a stick ^_^
You really only need 5 FFQs. You'll almost always only play 2-3 throughout the game, sinec by the time you draw the fouth and can play it, you're almost full of fireflies. It just runs smoother with 5. For shields, I just take 3-4 emerald dragons. Lets me get past most of them well enough to guarantee victory. Alternatively, if you have light dragons, those are ideal, though I prefer emerald for this deck sinec if I get destroyed early on by having my rusters/FFQs killed, mutated, lobotomized, or stalled (procrastination shield, basilisk blood), I may still be able to convert enough


to play a dragon or two and out-rush my opponent.
I posted on a previous thread about an almost identical deck,7289.0.html (,7289.0.html)
you can look there for more suggestions/ideas.