This goes out to the people who thought all the good combos had been found

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5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 5cg 5cg 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ak 7ak 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 80h 80h 80h 80h 816 816 816 816 8pu
For those unfamiliar with this sort of deck, the plan is to quint + wisdom the strongest enemy creature, making them deal spell damage which is then reflected by the mirror (in this case jade shield, traditionally the cheaper light version) to attack the opponent. This concept has been tried before in the form of an aether/light duo using reflective/mirror shield, but hasn't been overly effective since Zanz changed the shard costs back around 2011.
Emerald Shield was always overlooked, presumably because of its huge cost of 5 to 7 Quanta compared to Light's 1 or 2.
The SoW/Reflect combo does not stand up on its own in any build, it is usually aided by the myriad of healing cards that Light has to offer.
Adrenastaves, however, does stand up for itself and can keep the player alive against rushes long enough to gather the

necessary to play Quintessence and SoW, to shut down enemy offence and create a win condition that is incredibly hard to stop.
There are other synergies here too. With a shield and life nymph out, you can give an enemy creature adrenaline before playing SoW, further increasing the damage they do to the owner. If the opponent has an annoying shield like hope, dims, titanium, gravity, dissipation, thorns or permafrost, you can play Quint + SoW on your flown staves to bypass them, where the offense of standard adrenastaves builds would grind to a halt.
Why 31 cards? Well if the opponent is running a creatureless 30 card deck (or a deck where the creatures are protected from SoWflect by SoFre or Cloak), you can still win by healing off the damage and decking them out.
Honestly I'm amazed to have not seen a life build for SoW-reflect before, if it exists already please let me know (Team Aether might have used this in a past war? Couldn't find anything like it though).