- The semi-unupped version has a lower win rate, obviously. The suggested upgrade order is: SoB, Explosion, Epinephrine, Towers and Pendulums, Jade Shields.
-Remember that it's better to play first an Epinephrine over an existing Flying Staff, rather than creating a new Flying Staff. Just in case you have 3

and you can choose between those 2 options...

- Against decks with Fire or Darkness, I suggest to play the Staff only if you can play Animate Weapon in the same turn, in order to avoid seeing your weapons stolen or destroyed.
- Since you have only 2 Explosions, destroy the enemy shield only if you have enough Flying Staffs with Epinephrine on the field to deliver enough damage. You don't want to waste an Explosion to deliver just 8 damage and seeing the adversary playing another shield the turn after.
- It happens that Aether decks are lucky enough to get a Dim Shield chain preventing you from dealing any damage; do not despair! In this case you might consider to deck out your opponent with the SoB, especially if you play them when your adversary is missing 3 cards from his hands and you only one (so that he draws more cards than you).
- Sometimes the AI, if realizes that you played the Jade Shield, stops playing Psions or SoW on its immaterial creatures. Play your shield only when the AI played enough Psions or SoW-powered creatures.