I find that I see 100's of SoI decks in pvp, but so often they're the same old rush, I figured I'd try mess around with some of the lesser used shards to find an interesting combo.
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744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 74d 74d 74d 74d 752 752 752 752 752 752 786 786 786 786 786 786 7u2 7u2 7u2 7u2 7u2 7u2 8pm
Passive skills
Void 1. Devourer
Void 2-6. Voodoo
Focus 2-6. Momentum
Active skills
Void: 3-4 Vampire
Void: 5 Liquid Shadow
Integrity: 2-3 Stone Form
Integrity: 4-5 Guard
Focus: 5 DevourMissing active skills are either Burrow or unrealistically high shard count so not worth thinking about.
Your game plan should be to go for ANY of the above active skills and make sure you get Voodoo. Then use gravity pull on your own shard golem and let it tank hits and the voodoo along with it's big attack will kill your enemy fast.
You can play SoFo as you wish to deal with enemy permanents, if your shard golem is going to die you can use gravity pull on a SoFo for great shielding (you can grow +15 hp every turn if you don't go over 45)
You should by no means ever play SoV alone, just keep them in your hand so you can turn them into golems. Same goes with SoI, it's usually smarter to save a few shards up and play them together rather than spam lots of little weak golems.
Cool thing you may not know about these shards, integrity gives more health and less attack than most shards, focus gives even more health and even less attack than any other shard, void gives average stats. So you will get big HP golems perfect for voodoo.