Sorry for the double post, just wanted to mention. I've been playing this deck with raging success for a few days now -- yesterday, I farmed t50 for maybe 3 hours broken up over the course of the day, and I lost *twice*. Both times to mono-life rush. But the point is that I think I've figured out why this deck works so well in t50 and sucks
so bad at PVP. The answer is that it's just chalk full of ways to abuse the AI.
Things I've found myself doing that wouldn't work against a real player:
Against BatCountry's nymphomania-like deck: Rewinding the Nymphs so that the deck will use up quanta recasting the Nymph and thus not have enough left to use it's other in-play Nymph on my Shriekers. Rewinding the Nymphs so that the AI will recast them next turn and thus put both/all Nymphs "in sync" on my Turtle Shield, so that there is a gap every other turn for me to Evolve and then Burrow my Graboids.
Against various generic Rainbow control decks: Evolve a Graboid and cast a Charger knowing that they'll Antimatter the Shrieker, which can then be Burrowed for a net gain of 2 damage every turn. Cast a Turtle Shield and a Pulverizer on the same turn, knowing the AI will target the Pulvy and I'll gain a turn where I can Evolve and then Burrow my Graboids without worrying about those annoying control critters on the other side.
Against lucke's mono-Death poison/Retrovirus/Bonewall deck: Evolve a single Graboid and let it sit until the AI decides to use Improved Plague on it, then evolve the others once the threat of Plague has passed.
I know there's more, but I can't pull up any details. The point really is that this deck is HUGE for abusing the AI on top of being well-metagamed for the current t50 spread.