This deck has to be ineffective, parellel universe and dim shield cost a lot towards aether quant and if you're stringing shields, coming up with the quant to play the actual combo is going to be short more often then not.
Empirical evidence suggests otherwise.
Not to take away from this deck, but you can play the 200 ko as a 150 ko unupgraded by adding +1blessing and -1PU.
Actually, the PU is necessary. Unupgraded rage potion and light dragon (2 PUs, blessing) results in 24*3*2=144, while replacing the blessing with a PU results in 21*4*2=168.
However, slim version requires 12 more aether quanta for 2 more shields, a bit of extra light quanta, and draws a lot faster (and so requires even more quanta generation); in the end, the extra pillars take up room (e.g. for sundials) and result in more dependency on shields, and thus more vulnerability to PC (reduces 3 turns of stalling when used on dimshield compared to 1 turn of stalling when used on sundial).