Sorry for the provocative title.
I beated :
- half-god Distis
- with only bazaar cards
- with 100% life at end
- in trainer mode
I used a really simple "depletion deck", forcing him to draw all his cards.
Here are the screenshots :
the deck -> (
the last screen (Distis has 0 cards, i still got 100 Life point) (
The deck is based on dissipation shield with huge amount of amethyst pilars.
The goal : force opponent to draw every cards. That can be long.
Additionally, there are :
- heal in case of some minor wounds (like poison) that could become huge with time (game can be long)
- antimatter in case opponent got a momentum deck
- steal in case opponent got artifacts that allow him mess with cards (mindgate, eternity ...)
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
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Only bad thing with this deck : games are too long and unfunny to play.